i really like this girl but i broke up with her best friend not too long.?

2006-08-24 9:39 pm
i really like this girl but i broke up with her friend not too long ago and i dont know if i should ask her out and i still want to be friends with the girl i broke up.

but i dont really want to be friends with my ex right now maybe in a long time but the thing is my ex still likes me so i want to be her friend but i want to date her friend

回答 (14)

2006-08-24 9:46 pm
✔ 最佳答案
go for her! risk it, if you think it's worth it. girls find it cute too. or find a friend// boy for your ex to date//think she'd like. then both problems are solved...

just go for her, screw everyone else.,
i would. i have.
2006-08-25 4:43 am
Ask her how she feels about it. Be as upfront as you have been here. If she knows you're sincere, and you're making sure you don't make anyone feel uncomfortable, you'll probably get a better reaction.
2006-08-25 4:41 am
Tell your ex-gf and the girl you like what you told us.
Everything will be fine. No lies, no deception, just honesty.

Good Luck
2006-08-25 4:41 am
well find out if she likes you and if she does just get her to talk to her friend about it and see how she feels or you can both talk to ur ex about it because the one u like now might not want to lose a friend over a boy
2006-08-25 4:41 am
You should probably wait a while. If you ask the girl out now her friend will think you're trying to make her jealous and she'll get mad at both of you.
2006-08-25 4:41 am
Here's the problem.... you could screw up their friendship and therefore get in trouble with both of them. There are alot of girls in the world... don't date this one.
2006-08-25 4:49 am
dude...don't be a jerk....and break up their friendship...there are plenty of others out there....I'm sure at some point they will piss each other off and quit being friends...but dont be the catalyst... pretty lame
2006-08-25 4:47 am
if your ex isn't one of those "if-you-dump-me-for-my-friend-i-will-kill-you" types, then tell her that you found out that you like her friend and ask her for advice in getting her to be yoru girlfriend.

That way, she'll know about it. If hse's okay with then great, if she's not..hey at least you don't have to hide yoru self guessing if she will blow her top. And she might be able to help you, since it's her friend... she knows her ^^
2006-08-25 4:43 am
then don;t go out with her best friend find a new gf k
2006-08-25 4:43 am
Don't go there now that wouldn't be to cool. Wait for awhile and if in time you still are interested in this friend then you could ask your old girlfriend if it would be ok. Don't break up their friendship.
2006-08-25 4:43 am
don't know how that will work out............but.........it sure is a test for the two girlfriends...............Will they remain friends??
2006-08-25 4:42 am
You are in a rock and a hard place........... and i would be surprised if it worked out the way you want it, girls are getting smart and realizing that guys aren't worth the break-up of a friendship......... if I were you, i would cut my losses and forget about it. Move on to someone else there are other girls out there that you will like even better.
2006-08-25 4:41 am
Then don't ask her out...at least not right now...talk to your ex about it (down the road) and see how she'd feel about it. If y'all didn't date all that long and/or weren't all that serious, it may not be an issue.
2006-08-25 4:41 am
good luck....


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