which one would you prefer to be with, the person who loves you or the person you love??

2006-08-23 10:05 am
im just wondering...^___^

回答 (13)

2006-08-23 10:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
That's a weird question because I could never see myself in love with someone who doesn't love me back. So for me it is either both or neither. Its not a choice as you put it.
2006-08-23 7:03 pm
the person who loves me....... i know he will love me a lot.. he will give me all happiness... he will make me to keep happy.... i will marry to person who loves me........
2006-08-23 6:39 pm
i would go for the person who loves me...at least he would take care of me. in time, i will be able to learn how to love him in return.
2006-08-23 5:55 pm
it doesnt make sense to me
i prefer none
2006-08-23 5:40 pm
Hi dear
Well the answer in my opinion is, to be with the one i love and to marry the who loves me :)
2006-08-23 5:37 pm
i prefer to be with the person who loves me so if I give my love to him at least I'll feel secure for I know he loves me.
2006-08-23 5:31 pm
I would have to love the one I'm with...If i didn't love him and even if he loved me doesn't make the relationship right...You yourself have to be happy first before trying to make someone else happy. I would not be with someone just because they loved me and i didn't love them, that would be a very sad situation....
2006-08-23 5:16 pm
Apeson who loves me and I just like him or her.....
2006-08-23 5:15 pm
da person who luvs me
2006-08-23 5:12 pm
The person that loes me caus i could learn to fall in love with that guy jus tfor that reason.
2006-08-23 5:12 pm
The person who loves me because people tend to take advantage of your affection. It would be nice if it were both ways though right? It can and does happen.
2006-08-23 5:07 pm
a person who loves me will treat me better than a person i love
2006-08-23 5:07 pm
the person who loves me

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