Females: what is your favorite fruit pie?

2006-08-20 2:49 pm
apple, cherry, peach, etc.

回答 (14)

2006-08-20 3:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Apple followed by Peach then Cherry
2006-08-21 12:05 pm
Right now Marie Callendar's has a strawberry shortcake pie that is to die for.
2006-08-21 4:33 am
apple pie for me,,,,,
2006-08-20 11:27 pm
2006-08-20 10:25 pm
2006-08-20 10:11 pm
She's my cherry pie! L.O.L!
2006-08-20 10:06 pm
It would have to be a tie between peach & blueberry!
2006-08-20 10:04 pm
Wow, this is hard to answer.
I love all different fruit pies for different reasons.
Favorite - all of them.
2006-08-20 10:00 pm
2006-08-20 9:59 pm
try buco pie. [made fom coconut meat] :) i love it.

apple pie is good too.
peach-mango pie, pineapple pie, whichever..
2006-08-20 9:57 pm
Pineapple Upside down pie, yummm!
2006-08-20 9:57 pm
Lemon pie!!
blueberry pie is also great~
2006-08-20 9:55 pm
Apple pie!
2006-08-20 9:55 pm
home made Dutch Apple

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