Shall i go to cafe now?

2006-08-20 1:05 pm

回答 (14)

2006-08-20 1:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you should be there by now ,you are late.
2006-08-23 3:20 am
If you think so then proceed
2006-08-21 4:40 pm
Go ahead! but you will get stomach ache as you have left me without offering a coffee
2006-08-21 1:03 pm
Did you go to cafe? What did you feel there? Can you recollect your thoughts? I wanna know as it was yesterday. Thanks do send me a message.
2006-08-21 8:38 am
I have been waiting for u for 20 hours in the cafe. Why have you still not shown up?
2006-08-21 2:52 am
Yes, have a nice cup of coffee.
2006-08-20 3:28 pm
yes, go n have a banana split
2006-08-20 3:05 pm
2006-08-20 1:59 pm
go but do not look after u
2006-08-20 1:15 pm
yes go quickly

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