singapore or canada? and why ?!?

2006-08-19 12:49 pm
my father wants me to go singapore next summer but i want to go to canada so im really lost .. i dont know where to go ? singapore or canada and why ?

回答 (11)

2006-08-19 1:01 pm
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Canada is cool, but Singapore is so much MORE wouldn't be a contest if I had the choice.

So, what's your interest in Canada, and what part of Canada?
2006-08-19 1:34 pm
This is a very objective thing towards people, it depends what you really want to do during summer, in Canada you can hike, bike, canoe, ride a horse (yes, this is possible), drive around, visit farms etc and feel very relax with superb scenery at some of the provinces and enjoy a more western-style holiday. Singapore offers more of an exciting life, both day and night, with lots to eat (if you like to eat), it also allows you to feel the mixture of east and west culture of Chinese, Indian, Malay, and western together. More shopping offers and choices and more convenient to travel around, since the place is not big.
2014-08-26 6:12 am
I've never been to Singapore but I can vouch for a great life in Canada. I have travelled BC, Alberta and Ontario; all are amazing. Plenty of outdoor activities, events and scenery. Check out
2006-08-20 4:26 pm
first u go in singapore then after that u go in canada so ur problem finist
2006-08-19 10:11 pm
singapore just for the airline: singapore airlines is the best airline in the world
2006-08-19 9:12 pm
Ive been to both. But I drove to Vancouver and so maybe I didn't see the real canada. Canadians are OK but the county in my opinion is just like the US. You might as well stay home, they all speak English and so Canada is no big deal, When I mention where Ive traveled I never even include canada. Now Singapore is another ballgame all together !! I loved it and would go back in a heatbeat only I think my next stop is taiwan or greece. Do yourself a favour if your dad is giving you a choice and I ame giving you this advise whether your are a guy or a girl. If you are a guy singapore is alot of fun because the girls are so cool and HOT. But if you are a girl, you whole probably like it more than canada likewise.
2006-08-19 1:00 pm
It would have helped to have more information on your question like where you live and is your father paying for the trip? If you live in the U.S. it's a no brainer to go to Singapore because you can go into Canada at anytime throughout your life and it won't cost near as much.
2006-08-19 12:58 pm
That is an unusual set of choices. Singapore is a vibrant city state. It is a geographically compact world-class multicultural city.

Canada is a vast country. It is multi-cultural and somewhat laid-back. Has incredibly scenic attractions, including Niagara Falls.
Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver are vibrant cities to visit.

I have been to both and it is really a hard choice. Can you talk your father into sending you to Canada via Singapore?
2006-08-19 12:55 pm
Canada... its the ****... always a good time and there are some really cool people there.
2006-08-19 1:00 pm
singapore of course. theres more things to see n experience there. canada... its just another portion of the continental US... what US has, they have it too...

when u go travel, u wanna c new things... i've been to both places... so i vote singapore


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