How do you make a long distance relationship work?

2006-08-15 2:57 pm

回答 (27)

2006-08-15 3:01 pm
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LOTS of communication!
2006-08-15 10:55 pm
Communication,Trust, Loyalty, Love, and Honesty.
2006-08-15 10:28 pm
You have to have great communication. I've been with my man for almost 5 months and he lives 4 states away. We talk all the time and write to one another and visit at least once a month.

It's sometimes hard but communication is the key factor.
2006-08-15 10:16 pm
you need to trust and be honest with each other.
you need to trust your significant other and make sure that he/she trusts u back.
plus, u need to be honest with each other. do not keep secrets that might ruin your relationship.
i know it's hard.
but you've got to learn how to. or else it will never work.
so far it has worked for me for 6 years and 6 months.. :)
2006-08-15 10:15 pm
communication,honesty and in long distance relationship now...we chat everyday as long as my bf is not yet tired;) after his call,emails,post mail,always say to ur partner how much important she/he to u and how much u love each other...and of course dont forget too the important dates that needed to be celebrate (sorry for being corney but it will help)...
And make or let feel each other too that thier special..its a bit hard to have a long distance relationship but i know it will work...
Goodluck !!!
2006-08-15 10:13 pm
It can work if you both are completely committed to your relationship. Excellent communication is a must.

Absence can make the heart grow fonder, but it can also make it wander.
2006-08-15 10:08 pm
I have been in a long distance relationship for over a year. He is wonderful. We absolutely know we are meant for each other. I totally agree with Balzy that 'LOTS' of communication is needed and honest words not just what the other wants to hear. We have a promise with each other...never to part upset... whether on the phone or online we work it through with a lot of communication and guess what? It was his idea. Isn't that wonderful? They say guys don't like talking but online it can be so amazing...they speak more from the heart and I adore it.
2006-08-15 10:08 pm
lots of mutual trust and understanding... also don't forget about communication, like email, IM and chat through phone...
2006-08-15 10:06 pm
Never loose communication between the two of you. This is the only way things can work out. Never let negative thoughts cloud up your mind and be always open to problems that may come your way. Trust and honesty is important too. It is not an option to cheat cause the other won't see anyway, if you really want the relationship to work, make sure that there won't be any reason for your partner to doubt your honesty.
2006-08-15 10:05 pm
With lots of honesty,communication, and trust. Without those 3 items, the relationship will not go anywhere. Both parties have to be seriously committed to the relationship; be willing to travel to see each other; use phone, email, and regular mail to communicate; and never try to disillusion the other. Be understanding, patient, and tolerant.
2006-08-15 10:05 pm
Long distance relationships don't work if they start out as long distance relationships. If you are in a relationship for over a year and it then turns into a long distance relationship, it is possible to make things work. But the lenght of seperation shouldn't span longer than one year.
2006-08-15 10:04 pm
ummm I had numerous long distance relatioships and some times it works sometimes it doesnt depends onthe two people and dont let any one discourage you all put trust in each other and your longdistance relationship will work
參考: personal experience
2006-08-15 10:04 pm
Patience and trust and communication are the biggest things you need. I have been in a long distance relationship for almost 8 months now. We do get to see each other on weekends and occasionally one night during the week. On days that we can't meet, we talk on the phone, email, text. Just do little things to let each other know that we are thinking about them.

Just make sure that the time you spend together is special. Don't worry about the little things, but if something is bothering you, speak about it soon. Don't waste the time you have, it will only complicate things.
2006-08-15 10:03 pm
you need alot of long distance calls, which would cost you, of course.. then following that you need to have lots of patience cos you'll only be seeing each other once in a long while. Then you need to have alot of faith in each other. Afterall, you can't actually monitor each other's activity... bottomline,you'll need to trust each other
2006-08-15 10:03 pm
talk alot.communication works
2006-08-15 10:03 pm
it's impossible to tell when the other person is cheating on you if you're far apart... i suppose if you're going to try then you should at least try to meet up with the person you're having it with, so they don't get bored with messenger conversations. and thats assuming you know the person. you should never go out with people you haven't met. there are lots of sick people on the internet.
2006-08-15 10:02 pm
it requires hard work when it's long distance.

didn't work out for me
2006-08-15 10:02 pm
Lots of phone calls and e-mails and help, but it will never be as good as having the person right there.
2006-08-15 10:02 pm
yeah. communication is the main key to this. other than that, you also need trust frm each other and the will to stay on the track (not playing a fool with other ppl) also quite a bit of cash for your communication expenses.
2006-08-15 10:02 pm
u shouldn't have to make it work, it should just be right but if u have nothing to talk about keep your conversations short and sweet, im in a long distant relationship myself, but how long has this been goin on?
2006-08-15 10:02 pm
u have to ahve a man or girl on the side. hahahaha. sry to break it to ya but it will never work. ppl are too insecure for something like that. sooner or later one of u will think the other is cheating.
2006-08-15 10:02 pm
It's very hard to do but if both parties do their equal share it should make it easier. Like alternate between who comes to see who and etc.
2006-08-15 10:02 pm
For a long distance relationship to work, the couple must have tremendous commitment to each other, which is a very rare commodity these days with couples.
2006-08-15 10:01 pm
You have to work on it and really want it.
It can work.
2006-08-15 10:01 pm
2006-08-15 10:01 pm
They very rarely do work out. Distance takes a toll and relationships are hard enough when they are close and intimate.
2006-08-15 10:01 pm
you cant

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