when women feel to have more sex whether before menustral cycle starts or after or inbetween?

2006-08-15 2:36 pm
i mean in 18 to 30 years old women with own experience.

回答 (13)

2006-08-15 2:43 pm
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just a few days before. In the dream world some of us women want to have sex all the time
2006-08-16 3:37 pm
Iam a virgin no comments.
2006-08-16 12:05 am
just before menustral cycle starts and just after menustral cycle ends the women feel to have more sex. But after menustral cycle it is both enjoying and safe for 2/3 days.
2006-08-15 9:51 pm
just before my cycle starts and when it finishes
2006-08-15 9:48 pm
I always want it in the middle, you know when your ovulating, and then again right before.
2006-08-15 9:44 pm
before or inbetween.. like not when it's wet down there, but really inbetween
2006-08-15 9:44 pm
2006-08-15 9:42 pm
inbetween...when its over and before pms starts back up again
2006-08-15 9:42 pm
Before usually. But some women want more during their cycle.
I reckon its coz its constantly moist down there.
Ive heard thats its so nice during your cycle.
Dont have experience with that tho!
2006-08-15 9:41 pm
i wanted it most just before and at the very beginning. yuck i know that's y i waited:)
2006-08-15 9:40 pm
2006-08-15 9:40 pm
2006-08-15 9:40 pm
i want more before....

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