Women you got tell me this?

2006-08-10 10:42 am
Why do we tend to be more angry at the woman when our man cheat.

回答 (12)

2006-08-10 10:49 am
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because we're women, and i guess thats our nature. It's sad
參考: me
2006-08-11 5:30 am
I think it's a combination of several factors.

First off, we are all supposed to be sisters, and a woman who goes after a man who is already taken is breaking an unspoken rule. Most of us would not do it ourselves, so we get angry at a woman who will.

I also think that blaming the man is just too hard on our psyches. If we blame him, we may be admitting all sorts of things, like the fact that he has little consideration for us, our judgement may be lacking in having picked him in the first place, there must be something that she has to offer which we don't, and that our trust in him and our time with him may have already been compromised before, which makes us a fool. I think it's just easier on us to blame a tempting, evil seductress than it is to take that much assorted blame on ourselves.

The last factor, I believe, is just the fact that our self-esteem takes such a beating when we find out we have been cheated on. We are so beaten down, we are afraid to get really angry with him, because he might leave. We're so awful, who else could love us? The thing we cannot see is we are usually better off without his sad butt in the first place.

The irony, of course, is that when our men cheat, even blaming the other woman doesn't spare us all our grief. We still blame ourselves, when what we really need to do is blame the responsible party--our man. He's the dog that follows his nose wherever it leads, he's the one who hurts us, he's the one who has the power to say no to the other woman but doesn't, he's the one who tramples on us like we're dirt and thinks it's okay.
參考: Was with a cheater once, and put a lot of thought into why I always blamed the other woman, and why I always took him back
2006-08-10 10:47 am
I' don't know I would be mad at him.
2006-08-10 11:36 am
because she is a woman and we are supposed stick together she should know better besides if the chick is the least bit different we automatically think we are the scum of the earth
2006-08-10 11:15 am
2006-08-10 11:08 am
It might be because we feel that this other woman has something that we don't... It's a horrible blow to our self esteem to feel that at that moment... he had to have her... and didn't love us enough to feel that it wasn't worth it. That she might have had some power over him. That SHE made him cheat.

The real truth though, is that the man made a decision when he chose to cheat. Life is all about decisions. And whether he had to have her at that moment or not... was a decision that HE made.
參考: Second paragraph - My husband... who has & won't cheat on me.
2006-08-10 10:54 am
its nature
2006-08-10 10:53 am
because we do not want to blame our men or think that they would cheat
2006-08-10 10:52 am
Coz we don't want to lose our partner
If we show him our anger & we forgive him after a
while we feel we r the weak one.
so we tend that its other woman fualt
2006-08-10 10:52 am
I wonder this to...I think its the BF or GF that cheats that need to pay the piper
2006-08-10 10:50 am
coz we always think they r sl ut, n find it easier to accept this cruel reality tht our man find someone else, we pretend tht its the womens fault but mostly i think both of them r wrong
2006-08-10 10:48 am
Because it's easier to accept they have some sort of magical powers over our man than that our man has so little regard for us.

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