i have never had a sucessful relationship,it never seems to work for me .what is d matter?

2006-08-08 4:29 pm

回答 (19)

2006-08-08 4:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you've not met the right person yet
2006-08-08 4:53 pm
Don't worry it will happen.Don't look for a relationship. Just let it happen, because when u look u won't find. Focus on you and just be your self. GOOD LUCK!!!
2006-08-08 4:41 pm
You need to analyze if you are doing something wrong. Take some time out to just be in a relationship with yourself. Do interesting things that you've always wanted to do, go out etc.
Probably you are trying too hard to find someone so you end up settling for less than your worth. Probably the guys you were with just did'nt deserve you.

Don't force this issue. Who knows-when you are'nt looking that's the time that Mr. Right will come along. Keep hope alive.

Take care.
2006-08-08 4:38 pm
Nothing, it sounds like you have'nt found the right one yet. You might want to re-evaluate yourself and find out what you're looking for. Be patient, it will happen when you least expect it.
參考: Mother/Wife
2006-08-08 4:37 pm
It's not a matter of finding the right guy...what constitutes a right guy anyway...might as well go marry a robot that you have programmed yourself to your liking...
It's time to take a good look at yourself n see what makes your boyfriends run away from you! If you have to go through life not making a relationship work then perhaps you're cut out for single life!
2006-08-08 4:36 pm
It could be your just not meeting the right one, or your trying too hard. Try finding someone that has some common interests as you, in most relationships you need some common ground in order for things to work. But remember you dont have to have *EVERYTHING* in common either. Take care, and dont worry eventually the right person will come along. Good luck.
2006-08-08 4:36 pm
your expecting too much in a guy.be yourself. dont rush things
2006-08-08 4:36 pm
I know what that feels like. I was in a relationship that just left me hanging. he cut off all contact with me and I don't know why? it hurts, but there are other fish in the sea. there are so many guys out there. you just havn't found mr. right. just keep trying and be yourself. listen to what your heart tells you.
2006-08-08 4:35 pm
It may be the men you choose
2006-08-08 4:35 pm
Just because you haven't, yet had a successful relationship doesn't mean that anything is wrong with you. Maybe its whom you are choosing to have relationships with. I too have had problems in this area, but its not me, its the guys I choose. After looking at the problem from a broader prespective, I was able to see and realize that the guys I date all had the same or similar qualities. So you see it wasn't me, just the type of guys I was and still am attracted to. Sometimes you have to try new things, sort of like trying on a different style of shoes. Instead of a closed toe wedge I tried and open toe pointy with a 3 inch heel. Get my drift...............just keep looking and be open minded.
2006-08-08 4:35 pm
there could be a lot of things going on here, and you don't really have space to get into a detailed enough explaination of the situation to be terribly helpful. here is some general advice:

don't go into a relationship expecting anything. just think about the now, not tomorrow or the day after. be with someone because you like them at this very moment, and don't bother with whether or not you'll be together in a month.

compromise. this doesn't mean be a door-mat, but be flexible. prioritize what you want in a relationship, and weigh it against what your partner wants. everything in this world is give-and-take, and choosing your battles.

be patient. this may be the most important of the three. you need to be willing to wait for someone to be ready to be with you. don't go hunting for partners, just let things happen. be passive in your search, and aggressive in your pursuit.
2006-08-08 4:35 pm
maybe you're expecting someone to change? or they are expecting you to change?
you need to learn to accept people the way they are, and have them accept you the same way, dont bend over backwards to be someone you're not.
if its true love, they will take you as you are.

the only self improvement that works is the one you do for yourself.
if you have hobbies and such, engage in them, its fun for you and helps make you a rounded person. you need alone time as well as time with your partner. fun things are great to do, but have quiet times too, where you can sit and talk or just sit and enjoy the company.
參考: life
2006-08-08 4:35 pm
Mr. Chivalry says, "Your soulmate hasn't been revealed. You may look it like you've never had a successful relationship. Look at the bright side, though. Each unsuccessful relationship has a lesson in it. With each failed relationship, you become a little wiser. Once you find the right one, you can take those lessons, and use them to make this one work."

Mr. Chivalry has spoken.
2006-08-08 4:34 pm
If you have never had a successful relationship you need to try to figure out why. Were there problems like physical, mental or substance abuse? The common thread in all of them is you, maybe there are some things you can change as well.
2006-08-08 4:34 pm
Find a friend who you can trust and then go from there.
2006-08-08 4:34 pm
Then you need to talk to a male freind that will openly and honestly tell you your good and bad points, then work on changing the bad ones.......
2006-08-08 4:33 pm
nothing it is probably just the people that you are going out with?????? besides that i cant think of anything.....
參考: experience......now i have a succesful relationship.....it just takes time....
2006-08-08 4:33 pm
You just haven't found the right person yet. the right person will make you feel comfortable and happy. It will happen.
2006-08-08 4:33 pm
me too, I don,t know what to do just like you, so anybody help me please !

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