Would I get babes If I produce my own rap album?

2006-08-08 8:35 am
Theres no need for musical talent in rap so why not?

So far I only have one song but figure I can do at least 35 different remixes of it.


dr spock , captain kirk told me he swatted snoop dog with a rolled up newspaper the last time he came sniffing around so his comments dont hold up here.

回答 (13)

2006-08-08 8:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Girls won't admit it here, but the answer is yes, you will get babes. Look at rappers, or most rock stars for that matter.. they're ugly SOB's and they pull babes all day.
2006-08-08 3:43 pm
No, "babes" are rock musician targets. If you're gonna be a crunk rapper, you go for the "ho's" and the "shorties".
2006-08-08 3:40 pm
looking like that ....

2006-08-08 3:40 pm
Yes.............No.........yes.......I mean no.......I don't know!


2006-08-08 3:39 pm
r u kiddin me
2006-08-08 3:39 pm
i think you'd get more girls if you stop calling them "babes"
2006-08-08 4:07 pm
yo pimp daddy theyre *****@s and Ho's affectionately so, if you dont know dont say something about it
參考: snoop dogg
2006-08-08 3:53 pm
2006-08-08 3:41 pm
No. But do it for my amusment anyways?
2006-08-08 3:41 pm
probably not
2006-08-08 3:39 pm
u are way too ugly to do that.. have u seen the rappers? u are not, and theyre hot.. grow old gracefully, gramps..
2006-08-08 3:39 pm
just looking at your picture i say........................nahh
2006-08-08 3:38 pm
No, you probably can't rap, and there is talent involved. And we don't like being called babes. We prefer the term "women". Is that your real picture. . ?

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