Why do girls giggle when a guy a passes by?

2006-08-08 8:26 am

回答 (17)

2006-08-08 10:51 am
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evrytime dey dnt!!!!!!but i thnk d guy shld either b realll cute or reall weirdo ..thts wat makes me giggle!
2006-08-08 11:42 am
Coz they`re stupid attention seekers...oh yeah ,You said girls didn`t You !?( Look at me,look at me !!!!)
2006-08-08 10:36 am
They like the guy and therefore are trying to attract them by giggling.
參考: Experience!
2006-08-08 9:49 am
good question
2006-08-08 8:59 am
coz they think hes hot but are to shy to say. if it happens to you take it as a complement.
2006-08-08 8:47 am
cuz it is easier than actually talking. they prefer the guy to suffer thru the initial rejection
2006-08-08 8:46 am
Its better than saying you stink dude
2006-08-08 8:45 am
I dunno mate women are a atranage lot, I don't think us men will ever understand them.
2006-08-08 8:39 am
I always check to see if my flies are undone. They usually are
2006-08-08 8:37 am
Either they like you, think you are funny, or they are laughing at you behind your back.
2006-08-08 8:34 am
Because she is not abnormal,
oh! I always feels, why this guys are having funny faces?
ha! ha! ha!
2006-08-08 8:32 am
as a girl i know for a fact that girls giggle for no reason at all sometimes... i only recently learned that it can be unnerving for a guy cause they tend to think you're laughing at them...
i just know that sometimes when i'm with my friends we just sorta giggle for no reason... don't ask why, i certainly don't know.
2006-08-08 8:30 am
either becoz tht guy is ugly or cute
2006-08-08 8:30 am
cause they think he's cute and can't go tell him so they giggle to get the guys attention or just to do it and show people that they like him!!
2006-08-08 8:30 am
It sounds as if they are very young and think you are really cool.
2006-08-08 8:30 am
I think she likes you
參考: this will help you-free useful articles and tips on almost any topic-http://www.free-articles.blogspot.com
2006-08-08 8:28 am
Because they think he's cute and are too shy to confront him.

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