how do I get the green card? Please check my information?

2006-08-07 4:07 pm
I tired married to get the green card,but unfortunally I have to divorced with her becasue she owns people too much money and want to share her debt with me. so I deciede quit it.right now I am outside us now,but I really want to go back to us again. is there has someway I can work it out?

回答 (3)

2006-08-07 4:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is to bad you weren't able to get a green card while married and now it is going to be very difficult to attain one. You can try to go the route of a working visa and then maintain a green card if that is possible unless you can find a more suitable mate to hook up with
2006-08-07 4:45 pm
Come to Australia, their giving the things out all over the place here!
2006-08-07 4:14 pm
I dont know.

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