What's the cost of living in cities like Chiba, Saitama, and Yokosuka?

2006-08-07 9:43 am
Hai hai, everyone knows that Tokyo is one of the world's most expensive cities, either first or second place depending on how its competitor London is doing.

But what if you live in a place like Chiba, Saitama, or Yokosuka and take the long commute to Tokyo every day?

What's the approximate cost of housing in these "satellite cities"? For instance, what's average rent for a 2LDK flat (around 60~65 sqm)? And what would be the selling price of such a flat?

How about, hmm, the price of...
- A bowl of nabeyaki udon at a restaurant in one of these cities?
- 6 pieces of salmon sashimi (sake-sashimi) at a restaurant?
- A box of 6 futomaki sushi at a *supermarket*?

And finally...
What's the cost of a JR monthly commuter pass from Chiba to Tokyo, Saitama to Tokyo, Yokosuka to Tokyo?

Thanks for bearing with me and answering my questions!! ^_^

It's okay if you don't answer each of my questions exactly... just give me a brief idea of living expenses :p

Arigatou gozaimasu!!

Thanks, Black Dog! Hmm... Saitama's not that bad: it's quite near and not expensive at all!


To eatmyworld: 60,000 yen for 2LDK? That's SO CHEAP!!! That's one-half of the rent we pay here for 2LDK in Taipei. (And the Chigasaki figure is just unbelievable.) Hahaha =p

回答 (6)

2006-08-13 4:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
I used to live in Yokosuka, I think housing is cheap. but it's really convinient to going to Tokyo. it takes 45min to get to Shinagawa station by "Keikyu Line" (rapid one,¥630/each way) if you don't mind go 10-15min. farther than yokosuka, you can find around ¥60,000 2LDK.
Also Saitama is really easy to access to tokyo. I'm not sure how much, but I'm sure you can find cheaper.

most of the price of foods(especialy restaurant) are same. only Sushi would be different. because yokosuka or chiba is close to ocean and fresh. if you go to nice one, would cost more... but there are always ¥100 Sushi restaurant. Nabeyaki Udon is ¥500-700. epends on what kind of topping you want. but also you can buy them at supermarket. all you have to do is boil. easy and cheap. just be careful, the container gets really hot! 6Futomaki..ummm.... shouldn't be that much.. Anyways, if you go to supermarket after 5pm, most of fresh food(Sushi, tempra,rice balls, fried chicken Obento(lunch box)...etc..)20-50%off!!
i hope it would help you.. enjoy life in Japan!!
2006-08-09 8:38 pm
I have no idea as to how much the sashimi and the nabeyaki udon would be but I think the price of food is basically the same.
Of course I won't know until I eat a Nabeyaki Udon in Chiba and Saitama but when it comes to regular everyday food, the price shouldn't change all that much.

As for rent for a 2LDK would probably start around 60,000 and higher. Depends on how far away from the city and how far away walking distance from the nearest train station but my friend used to live in a 1LDK for 40,000 yen in Chiba station area.

And If you go all the way to Chigasaki area in the Kanagawa Pref. the monthly rent of a 3LDK can be as low as 55,000yen!!
I actually have friends living in one.
Maybe that'll give you an idea of distance and rent prices.
2006-08-08 3:59 am
[Tokyo - Chiba]
monthly commuter pass : 18,580yen
time required : 1 hour

[Tokyo - Saitama]
monthly commuter pass : 11,340yen
time required : 40 minutes

[Tokyo - Yokosuka]
monthly commuter pass : 27,240yen
time required : 1 hour and 20 minutes
2017-01-16 3:12 am
Living In Saitama
2016-12-17 5:35 pm
Tokyo is the capital of Japan, and the place where over 13 million people live, making it one of the most populous cities in the world but also, a big city to visit, find out more with hotelbye . Most of the city was devastated by the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, and then again by the bombing in the WWII, however, Tokyo was able to achieve a remarkably rapid recovery both times. The main attraction of Tokyo is the Imperial Palace with its beautiful 17th-century parks surrounded by walls and moats. The palace is still in use by the Imperial family.
2016-09-29 12:01 pm
i'm a jap. It relies upon on many factors, like what proportion families you have, what variety of life you choose to have, and so on. to boot, Chiba is next to Tokyo. So this is thoroughly distinctive in case you reside in an element of Chiba that's close to Tokyo border or in case you reside on the east end (close to Pacific) of Chiba prefecture. in spite of the actuality that, this is 2 hundred,000 yen or one million,seven hundred USD for one month if I placed the known living value in Chiba. yet this is barely for one guy or woman. in case you have some families, this is particular which you choose extra money to stay there.

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