i have a toothache??

2006-08-07 6:43 am
i have a tooth growing in by the molar in the back. the only thing is, the tooth that i think is the one hurting has a filling! its a sharp dull pain and its worse during the night and when i eat something really cold. what could this be???

and i had this tooth filled about 3 years ago. and it hasnt hurt until now

回答 (4)

2006-08-07 7:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
It could possibly an abscess developing in the tooth pulp tissue.Though you haven't had any troubles with your filing over the years since you got it filled,but,there is always chances of secondary decay developing along the margins of the filling over time.
secondary decay associated with the existing filling ensues the decay process,that when reaches the pulpal nerves may elicit pain....thats why you are experiencing pain.

avoid strong temperatures in your diet,and in the meantime make sure you sleep with head slighly elevated to help you with sleeping.if the pain is intolerable,give your denstist a call and take an analgesic tonight.
Best thing to do: Reach out to your dentist tomorrow morning itself!
2006-08-07 9:26 am
you could have a hole in your tooth or a abscess you really need to see dentist try using clove oil from chemist tastes horrible i like it my partner thinks it tastes nasty it will numb it and take pain away
2006-08-07 7:19 am
Your teeth may be attack by bacteria under the filling and cause another decay.I suggest you go to dentist as soon as possible.
Probably you will need a root canal to fix the problem.
參考: Personal Experience
2006-08-07 6:49 am
Even though you have a filling in this tooth, you might be developing an abscess. The cavity may have been very deep and close to the nerve. Try to sleep with your head elevated on an extra pillow or two to keep it from hurting so much when you sleep. You might even sleep in a recliner to keep your head up. Call your dentist first thing in the morning.

收錄日期: 2021-04-28 23:20:30
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