is japan a nice place to visit?

2006-08-07 5:56 am
i would like to visit japan one day is it a nice city place, is it like or even better than new york???

回答 (10)

2006-08-07 6:17 am
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I can say yes it's a nice place to visit. You will love their food and fashion. But the only thing is they can't speak and understand english. So be prepared for that because it is important that you know a little of japanese to enjoy the place. Like Ohayo Gozaimas means good morning, domo arigato means thank you very much..
2016-09-29 11:55 am
in terms of the "perfect places" to circulate to in Japan; that situation is very companies to differing opinion and interpretation, as distinctive persons won't precisely all think of alike. yet once you're concerning what I in particular think of are the perfect places in Japan, my "good 8" would be as follows: one million. Tokyo 2. Osaka 3. Kyoto 4. Yokohama 5. Nagoya 6. Kobe 7. Sapporo 8. Fukuoka
2006-08-07 6:37 pm
Yes, of course Japan is nicer than New york, but why don't you find out your self...
I hope this is helpful.

when I went home, I loved it. It was the best time of my life. No way can any country beat that one, EVER! Japan is beautiful, no matter where you go. You can try Kyoto, It is very beautiful. Kiyomizu(清水)Is a very beautiful temple. It is big, and there are sprouts of water coming out of the ground and you can drink it. The name in english is pure water temple.
Also, Kinkakuji(金閣寺). It is the golden temple. It is very beautiful also. It is big and made with gold leaf. There, is also many other temples in Kyoto. Kyoto also has very nice shopping areas.
Personaly, my favorite in Kyoto was the Kyoto Tower. It is very tall, and there is a very beautiful view up at top(espetially at night). If you need a hotel, try the Kyoto Century Hotel.

Now there is Oosaka. It is also a very beautiful city. There are onsen(springs), but I don't like those. then thereis the Oosaka aquarium. It is very big!

Then Nara, is a very beautiful city also. It is covered with lots of nature. There is the toudaiji(東大寺) it is the biggest building made of wood in the world. It also has the biggest buda statue, It is very beautiful. Also there is a park with tones of dear, they are very friendly.

But I don't prefer tourist areas...I don't like it very much.
Also Tokyo is very big and nice...lots of shopping areas.

Hope this helps.
2006-08-07 12:54 pm
Japan has many things to offer, If you are looking for the 'big city' feel, you can go to Tokyo or Osaka, If you are looking for the 'old city' feel you can go to Kyoto. If you are more of a wilderness person, you can go to Hokkaido which is much more outdoorsy.
If you are a gadget geek or videogamer, Akihabara is the perfect place for you. If you are into Fashion, Harajuku. For night life, Roppongi.

No matter what you want to do or see, you can do it in Japan, and there are areas that will suit any need or desire. When I go, I definately want to see some of the neighborhood festivals that happen occasionally.
2006-08-07 9:52 am
Yes, Japan is a wonderful place to visit. At the very least, it's a million times better than New York City, which is a real s***hole (sorry!) =p
2006-08-07 7:32 am
If you're into cities, then Tokyo is one of the best places in the world to visit. Its got everything. Its clean and safe too. I wouldn't recommend coming in Summer, its way too hot, but the rest of the year is comfortable.
2006-08-07 7:00 am
2006-08-07 6:46 am
Tokyo is a wonderful place to visit. There are so many cultural sites, great shopping, good food, nice people and just so many things to do! I live and work in Japan and visit there frequently. I wouldn't say it is better than New York, but it is certainly a great city. You should definately come!
2006-08-07 6:02 am
Its Ok
2006-08-07 6:00 am
Yes, it is absolutely beautiful and very interesting.

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