I am packing right now...going to be gone for two weeks.What do I bring?

2006-08-07 5:50 am
I think I have everything but I have this paranoia about forgetting something. Can you make me a list of some things that are easy to forget and some nesseceties that I could have possibly forgotten?

I am leaving to California to model.....I figured that wasn't important to add...and it also prevented nasty comments.

回答 (13)

2006-08-07 8:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
hope this helps:
facial cleansing system
body soap and lotion
cotton balls
hair care supplies (shampoo, conditioner, styling product, brush, comb, curling iron, flat iron)
birth control (if you take it)
sanitary supplies (if it will be that time of the month while ur gone)
pain reliever
gum (to help pop your ears on the plane)
pocket/purse tissues
2006-08-07 11:41 pm
Well, I don't fit inside most carry-on luggage...

How about a few clothes, toiletries, camera, spare film or flash cards, iPod, book, journal and a pen. Don't take too many clothes... you'll need a reason to buy more.

What to bring back: Photos, funny stories, a souvenir or two, and a renewed zest for life.

I think I missed ya, but maybe you'll see this when you get back.
2006-08-07 4:25 pm
If you are going to go to Cali for a modeling job then you need your portfolio besides the essentials like toothpaste, toothbrush, brush, deodorant, clothes, and other things for hygene.
2006-08-07 2:03 pm
credit cards
drivers license
2006-08-07 9:23 am
Instant noodles, I guess? My parents and I always take it along, because sometimes the local cuisine (esp. in America) is not always edible :p
2006-08-07 6:45 am
I figure you are going to LA to model. If you forget it, you can get it anywhere. I'll lend you mine if need be.
2006-08-07 6:05 am
Don't forget:
alarm clock
cell phone
turning off appliances before you go
having mail held by p.o.
2006-08-07 6:02 am
I always bring a lot of underwear and socks, a lot of t-shirts, and only like 2-3 pairs of pants. Then throw in some deodorant, toothpaste, floss, contacts/glasses, and you're good to go. Don't forget your camera!
2006-08-07 5:58 am
well it depends where r you going
is it for work
for pleasure

i usually make sure i got my laptop
toothbrush, hygine stuff
clothes appropriate for where i'm going, like i'm not going to pack sking clothes if i'm going to the bahamas
cell phone, and charger
id, insurance card, atm card, cash
a big enough suitcase should you aquire new clothing on ur trip
thats all i can think off the top of my head
2006-08-07 5:58 am
2006-08-07 5:57 am
You are pretty!...
that's all i can say...
2006-08-07 5:56 am
toilet seat covers
cotton balls
cotton swabs
reading material
2006-08-07 5:55 am
參考: your sexy cell tv mp3 im me at kingofdx babe

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