Have you every traveled on a train?

2006-08-06 7:00 pm

回答 (7)

2006-08-06 7:06 pm
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Yeah but only on a amtrak
2006-08-08 1:21 pm
Ya sure, I had travelled a lot on trains. Me fm India at New Delhi. I had been uncountable no. of times to Lucknow (500kms) Then to Calcutta (1500kms), then to Bangalore (2000kms), Trivandrum(>3000kms). Also a lot of other places in India.
2006-08-08 1:10 am
several times, i find it pretty relaxing. i like watching the country side slide by.

before you get on a train in the united States the first thing that you should do is recognize that the train it part of the journey, and just because someone bothered to fill out a schedule does not mean that you will be anywhere near that schedule. it is more of a guideline rather than a goal.

i recently took the sunset limited to New Orleans from Houston, it left Houston about 4 hours late and arrived in New orleans about 5 hours late.. the whole trip took about 10 hours( average speed 35 mph). the next day i took the Cresent to Greensboro Norh Carolina, left New Orleans at 8 am, arrved in Greensboro at 6 am the next day, only 2 1/2 hours late.

I think that i will be taking the train again in the near future, just have not decided on the destination yet
2006-08-07 10:57 pm
Almost once a Month....
I knew a few who travel daily.....
2006-08-07 4:28 pm
Haha, hasn't everyone? jk jk.

I can't believe it when Americans think of train travel as something special, unique, or a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Jeez, I take the train to school everyday, from Zhonghe to Taipei. Dad commutes to work by metro everyday. And in Tokyo, around 10 million people crowd the Japan Rail lines everyday.

And in the US, train travel is apparently RARE??? =p
2006-08-07 4:16 am
I have had the pleasure and opportunity for train travel as far back as the mid-fifties, when train travel was experiencing the beginning of the last company owned and operated passenger schedules.

Travels included traversing the states of California, Oregon, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Gone, but not yet forgotten. It's too bad most living today didn't have such an opportunity. But, it's probably just as well, otherwise you'd know what you missed out on.
2006-08-07 2:05 am
I traveled in the 1970s on the Southern Crescent to New York. It was a wonderful experience. They had an old-fashioned dining car with waiters in tuxedos and the whole thing. Unfortunately they are not in business any longer. I have also went on an excursion on an old steam train. That was an experience everyone should have. Try it ... you'll like it!

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