Why do American girls wear flip-flops even to their graduation?

2006-08-06 2:10 pm
Okay, first point: I have nothing against flip-flops. In fact, I wear them a lot.

But can't people see that something as formal and important as a graduation is NOT a proper occasion to wear them?

I can guess that some girls are going to say: "They're comfortable, and high heels hurt our feet."

Now, come on, flip-flops and high heels are not your ONLY two choices. How about the so-called "Mary Janes"? Or, if those are too frumpy for your taste, how about kitten heels and low-heeled pumps?

I live in Taiwan, and though girls here (including myself) wear flip-flops ALL the time, we'd definitely NOT wear them to a graduation. So really... I don't know what American girls are thinking :p

To Raychel: Hmm, I guess that's a difference between American and Asian attitudes. Here, we generally regard graduation as an event at which we must honour and respect our school, and thank our teachers for our education. In Japan, everyone even bows to (1) their teachers, (2) the flag, (3) the school.

回答 (10)

2006-08-06 4:00 pm
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I think it's a matter of respect, class, grace and manners. Unfortunately, dying attributes in America. Good manners are a lost art and parents aren't teaching their children about good manners and respect - schools don't teach those kinds of things either. And it's showing when you look at our society in general. So, it may be a far leap to start out discussing flip-flops and end up discussing society at large, but when manners and respect aren't learned and not sought after, it'll show up everywhere including at graduation when you look at the students' choices of footwear.
2006-08-06 3:27 pm
good question...i just went to my sister's graduation and was shocked at how many girls were wearing flip flops. totally inappropriate for a formal event.
and using heels are uncomfortable as an excuse is ridiculous...at a graduation you only have to walk across the stage. the rest of the time you're sitting!
2006-08-06 2:16 pm
I wore flip flops to my graduation because to me, I was done with high school. I agree flip flops arent the most formal attire, and i wouldnt wear them to a wedding or anything like that, but a graduation is just celebrating yourself leaving high school, one of the places where there are so many rules and so much restraint...so the obvious choice on graduation night is to wear what YOU like. Thats why I wore flip flops.
2006-08-07 2:26 am
i wouldn't wear flip-flops to my graduation...it looks tacky, and then wearing them with your grad gown, ew.
not ALL american girls wear flip-flops to their graduation.
2006-08-06 7:51 pm
Because it the last day of school and your gone covers it well at least mine does. A nd what is wrong with wereing them
2006-08-06 6:36 pm
Me and ALL my friends wore flip flops to our graduation in June because they are conformable and assure us we won't trip on our long haul across the stage in front of thousands.
2006-08-06 2:43 pm
at my school the girls claimed the shoes sunk into the ground and such so flip flops would prevent sinkage, howeverr i did it in heels and there was no problem, they had thicker heels so they did nto skink in
2006-08-06 2:31 pm
i agree with you. i see a lot of people (men and women) wearing flip-flops to events/places in which they should be wearing something a bit more 'dressy'. There are some really cute, dressy-looking flip flops in the stores. I think those are ok for some occassions. But, not the beach, rubbery kind.
2006-08-06 2:19 pm
I love flip flops but totally agree with you. Graduation is a day to be looked back upon as a major chapter in our lives. Flip flops are not formal enough! Maybe an Elementary graduation but not highschool! Kitten heels or pumps or even classy flats are a much better choice.
2006-08-06 2:16 pm
Because they have no class. Thier parents didn't pass any on to them.

Anyone who says high heels hurt their feet has never tried any on that fit correctly. I've worn properly fitting ones for 12 hours or more without any discomfort.

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