why am i alive?

2006-08-04 1:30 pm
my name is patrice and i don't know the purpose of my life .i just don't see why i' m here since my parents attempted to abort me ;at schoo i've been bullied because i was smart ,my brothers and friends always treat me badly -i'm always open and light hearted toward them.so i just don't see the reason i am alive

回答 (19)

2006-08-04 1:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You sound terribly depressed. I think you should learn to love yourself. You cannot change the fact that your parents tried to abort you, and besides they failed miserably if you are still here, so get over that.

Being smart is often a gift and a curse. The best way to remedy the bullying is to: A. Start standing up for yourself. You know who you are, and demand that other people respect it. That goes both ways though... remember to give respect is to get respect.
and B: Avoid those losers at all cost. I am not saying isolate yourself, but if they don't appreciate you, are they really worth knowing? Observe people, try to find people who have the same interests and aspirations. And if you find for some reason that the person you are friend with not suitable, change friends, dint change who you are.

Now the brothers.... what can i say they are boys. They will appreciate you someday, you have just got to be the SUPASTAR that you were put on this earth to be. You will find your niche give it some time and if you still dint find it be happy with you.
參考: The human heart.
2006-08-04 9:07 pm
Patrice, hang in there. I used to think the same way as you did when I was back in high school. Even sometimes today I get that feeling, but man, everyone feels that way sometimes. I don't know exactly what you are going through, but I will say to give it time. You seems a sincere person, and actually it is hard to find many these days. We need more of you sincere guys to make this world a better place...hang in there. Wait till you go to college or go off into the real world. You will find your place and you will eventually know the answer to your question. When you are on your own is when you can actually go and find the answer.
2006-08-04 8:48 pm
i guess youre in your early teens right. well its called going thru changes you will til the day you die. your reason for living is you want to.
2006-08-04 8:43 pm
Ur suffering from what some call the "nice guy syndrome".

Theres no point in asking urself why ur alive cuz u just ARE.

Think about it... it's no ones decision to be here in the first place. Many couples try to have children and dont manage to either...
You know... u could also feel bad about urself each time u masturbate bcuz when u come ur killing a few thousand "potential" humans... lol

If ur brothers treat u badly well dont bother too much with it bcuz brothers often do that... things will change when u get older, u'll see.

And those other people u call friends that treat u badly... well i think its time for u to face the fact they AREN'T ur friends and u should look to make new ones. Its not a given to make good friends on the first try.

Take it easy dude
2006-08-04 8:43 pm
u knw patrice...lif is struggle..giv me 100 reasons y u shouldnt be alive...u knw u hav to build ur self into a personallity...cas by de end of day..when som 1 luks upto u n says..he must say wow..dis guy has mad full use of dis lif n he is a genius...wel u tel me how many tim abrahim licon faild...but he always fought out of everything..thts y he is remembered....remember one thing when u struggle.. u wil always be a winner...strugglers r winner..winners never quit...n lossers r morons..
2006-08-04 8:42 pm
As one of my best friends told me, we didn't come 2 this earth for ourselves. After reading ur story, i really felt bad for u bro. But always remember there r some out there, like me, who are more unfortunate than u. So be happy and live life. There's someone out there who is made specially for u, and only u. And she will give u your share of happiness, and make u realive that u r the most happiest person in this world.
2006-08-04 8:40 pm
Your alive because they couldnt go through with abortion because they love you. Don't worry about bullies there just no bodys your lucky to have brains as you need them to get a good career.Brothers and sisters always treat each other bad i fight with mine quite often but if im down or hurt they are always there for me. Speak to your family call a family meeting, let them know how it depresses you the way they treat you. Im sure they will listen, to them it probably natural family squabbling they prob don't realise it affects you. Please dont' do anything silly as your a smart person with a warm heart.Your alive because yiu have a place onb this earth.
2006-08-04 8:39 pm
I think that not all of us have great childhood. If your parents actually had you and did not went ahead with the abortion means that they love you enough not to do it. At school, people are still childish. Why should you feel bad for being smart? In time to come, when you start work, you will know that those people might be losers in life whereas you will go far with your intelligence.
2006-08-04 8:37 pm
because you have got the courage to come through unscathed when being illtreated.
2006-08-04 8:37 pm
I don't know the purpose of my life either. I'm poor, uneducated, I have many problems. I don't have family. I come from a very abusive alcoholic home. I just keep going and doing the best I can.
2006-08-04 8:36 pm

I actually understand where your comming from... I must say though that the purpose of life is to live it. I belive in God and that we are given life as a gift, it might be hard and painful, but in the end atleast myself I thank God even in the really painful times because atleast I can feel. Sometimes it is the little things that go unnoticed.

2006-08-04 8:36 pm
First remember that others will treat you the way that you allow. Your purpose in life might be found out later in life. My purpose is to be an example to all. A bad example, but and example none the less.
2006-08-04 8:36 pm
You are alive because you are smart and we need more smart light hearted people.

Think about how many bad people have 3-5 kids because of lack of responsibility. Their kids are our future criminals.

So thank you. I am glad we have you to help battle stupidity.
2006-08-04 8:36 pm
if everybody knew their reason to be alive, then life would be soo much easier dont u think? ur just going through the teenage experience... dont' worry and be happy as an old song used to say. things will get better, and u'll c someday people will appreciate u for who you are.
2006-08-04 8:36 pm
most of the great minds are lonely
common man can't read their mind
don't care for acceptance of others ,be as you
life is for living as you wish
all the best
2006-08-04 8:35 pm
No reason to ponder your life and everything. Yeah, you've been mistreated but that should just inspire you to treat others with respect. Your purpose, if you must know, is that of everyone who is currently alive. Go to school, get a job and join the masses. Then you die.
2006-08-04 8:35 pm
that's the same thing i ask myself but one day i bet you we'll both know why we are alive.....
2006-08-04 8:35 pm
Because God woke you up this morning...
2006-08-04 8:33 pm
For a purpose.

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