
2006-07-30 5:54 am


1. 妳這幾天就睡一樓最後面那個房間。
2. 妳帶來的行李就放在妳的寢室裡。
3. 妳平常用一樓的廁所,洗澡則在二樓。
4. 洗衣機在一樓,曬衣服在二樓或三樓。廚房和飯廳在一樓。
5. 每天要做些什麼事,老闆娘會告訴妳。


6. 妳回新竹的火車票已經替妳買好了,8月28日早上11點45分的火車,到新竹車站時大約下午2點25分。
7. 妳新竹下車後,王太太會開車去載妳。(狀況一)
8. 妳新竹下車後,自己搭計程車回寶山鄉王太太家裡。(狀況二)
9. 這是給妳買午餐和搭計程車的錢。

回答 (3)

2006-07-30 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 妳這幾天就睡一樓最後面那個房間。
You may sleep in the room all the way back recently.
2. 妳帶來的行李就放在妳的寢室裡。
You may put your luggages in your bedroom/ room.
3. 妳平常用一樓的廁所,洗澡則在二樓。
You may use the first-floored toilet, and bathe on the second floor.
4. 洗衣機在一樓,曬衣服在二樓或三樓。廚房和飯廳在一樓。
The waching machine, kitchen,and dining room are on the first floor, and you can only bask the clothes on the second or third floor.
5. 每天要做些什麼事,老闆娘會告訴妳。
The boss will tell you what to do.

6. 妳回新竹的火車票已經替妳買好了,8月28日早上11點45分的火車,到新竹車站時大約下午2點25分。
I have already bought you the train ticket back to 新竹.
The train is starting at eleven forty-five a.m. on August twenty-eighth, getting 新竹 at about two twenty-five p.m.
7. 妳新竹下車後,王太太會開車去載妳。(狀況一)
Mrs. Wang will pick you up there.
8. 妳新竹下車後,自己搭計程車回寶山鄉王太太家裡。(狀況二)
After getting off (the train), take a taxi to the Wangs.
9. 這是給妳買午餐和搭計程車的錢。
This money is for your lunch and the taxi fare.
參考: 我自己
2006-07-31 7:56 pm
Cool Esther 很明顯的,你的參考資料不是"Myself",而是照抄connoiseur的答案,只是第五個句子你把 " daily chores " 改成 " what you should do everyday "
Chore 是 例行工作、家庭雜務的意思。這個用法比你改成的那個高級多了。
2006-07-30 5:53 pm
1. 妳這幾天就睡一樓最後面那個房間。
You will sleep in the room all the way back for these days.
2. 妳帶來的行李就放在妳的寢室裡。
You may put your luggages in your bedroom/ room.
3. 妳平常用一樓的廁所,洗澡則在二樓。
You may use the toilet on the first floor, and take showers in the bathroom on second floor.
4. 洗衣機在一樓,曬衣服在二樓或三樓。廚房和飯廳在一樓。
The washing machine, kitchen and dining room are on the first floor, and hang up the laundry on the second or third floor.
5. 每天要做些什麼事,老闆娘會告訴妳。
Madame will tell you your daily chores.

6. 妳回新竹的火車票已經替妳買好了,8月28日早上11點45分的火車,到新竹車站時大約下午2點25分。
Your train ticket back to 新竹 has been purchased. The train leaves at eleven forty-five a.m. on August twenty-eighth, and arrives at 新竹 around two twenty-five p.m.
7. 妳新竹下車後,王太太會開車去載妳。(狀況一)
Mrs. Wang will pick you up at the train station.
8. 妳新竹下車後,自己搭計程車回寶山鄉王太太家裡。(狀況二)
After the arrival at 新竹, take a taxi to the Wang's in PaoShan
9. 這是給妳買午餐和搭計程車的錢。
Here's the money for your lunch and taxi fare.
參考: Me

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