a Question for Wiccans, Witches, Magicians, Pagans or whoever into that kind of stuff?

2006-07-24 10:32 am
b4 I ask my questions,I will just give you brief background in why I am asking this question...a friend told me a story about his ex-girlfriend, he told me his ex-girlfriend was a white witch, anyway she was kidnapped by 4 guys & they kept her at their cabin and they raped her repeatedly for 3 days, then somehow she managed to runaway...she didn't go to the police(I dont know why) but she got together wif her friends (witches,wiccans,pagans or whoever) they all got together & did a real big ritual or spell in the woods to deal with these guys...anyway within a year, all 4 guys were dead, all by accidents..questions:a)If she was really a white witch why wasnt she protected in the first place?b)is it unethical in your "witch beliefs" to take vengence this way?c)I know this sounds silly but if this is a true story couldn't she be charged with murder?
d)if these spells really did kill them,wouldn't just help them cos they've left the earth plane & now they r free?
tell me ur thoughts

please dont misunderstand me, I am not defending the rapists in any way, I am just curious in the opinions of witches or wiccans


one more thing, please anyone who follows these wiccan ideas, this question is not designed to be offensive against your beliefs, I know very little about your beliefs and I sincerely want to know your opinions, I dont mean any offence whatsoever...and as for the this story, its just what i heard from a friend, I never met her and have no way to verify it.

回答 (12)

2006-07-24 4:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
a) She could have protected herself only if she was forwarned. Spells also exist according to the law of will. If they wanted to kidnap her more than she wanted to not be kidnapped (multiplied by four on their side because there are four of them) then she would be powerless. Especially since she certainly didn't expect to be kidnapped and was therefore not focusing her will on not being kidnapped.

b) Many would consider that sort of revenge unethical. I myself do not. Illegal, yes, but those are two different things. I believe it is more unethical to allow a wrong to go unpunished thereby letting an evildoer run around hurting other people as well. If people do something once, and get pleasure from it, they will do it again. However, I do think she should have gone to the police as well.

c.) In some cultures she could be charged with murder, and perhaps should. However, America doesn't recognize witchcraft as a weapon and therefore she can't be. If she was in Zimbabwe, she would be. Absolutely.

d.) Nobody is really free. They will be reborn and possibly face repurcussions for their actions in their next lives. However, the idea of this kind of justice is not so much punishment is preventing further harm. You remove the evildoer, he can hurt no one else.

Also, she is not a white witch. There is no such thing. Witches just are. Unless you are referring to her ethnicity, which is irrelevant anyway. White magick and black magick are subjective. If she were employed by the community to protect them from these dangerous people, her magic would be seen as good or white. However, by the perpetrators families, her magic would be seen as bad or black.
2016-10-15 3:37 pm
large question Ariel! )o( i will undergo in options understanding particular issues at an extremely youthful age...understanding that i had a existence purpose and that i replaced into right here for a reason....I knew i replaced into diverse from each and every man or woman else.... i trust that i replaced into destined to stroll the path i do in the present day. Accepting each and every challenge alongside the way and searching for the teachings in all studies. the persons i replaced into surrounded by were very conservative, so my actual analyze did not commence till about 2 a lengthy time period in the past..and that i search for expertise, no longer purely of myself yet of alternative beliefs besides. My adventure has no longer been a standard one, yet very relaxing all a similar. Blessed Be! )o( Trinity
2006-07-25 3:00 am
Not really, but I can see why they would have done such a thing. Karma is not kind to people who do evil actions, and while my heart goes out to her I am in college and trying to get into a forensic science program at a college in my area, and with all the stuff we have now a days these guys could have been caught and in jail by at least a year. A far more fitting punishment in my mind would have taken place behind bars these guy at the hands of some one named Bubba.

24 y.o. Pagan College Student
2006-07-24 4:27 pm
Unless the witch protected herself directly (with a spell) she would have been unprotected. I dont know why you'd cast a protection against something you dont think will happen.

Vengence is not unethical. It is the basis for most law.
If you "help" someone by killing them, its called murder. Perhaps they are free but they didnt want to be.

My reading, here, indicates most of this story is made up.
2006-07-24 11:18 am
Well, a big mystery. (a)Witches is not medium, don't know if protection from human harm is inevitable, if it was a spell from another "witches" is another question. (b) some nowadays are narrow-mi dded. If thought that if she go to the police station may be in one or two year the guys would be out of prison and that is why she prefer to make justice herself. (c) i suppose that she can be charged with murder but what must the policeman do. <they had to made a potion lol> (d) Are you sure that they are 'free'.
參考: personal
2006-07-24 11:17 am
If someone is Wiccan, they follow the Rede. Part of the Rede states:

Ever mind the rule of three.
Whatever you send comes back to thee.

It means that whatever you send out comes back to you three times. Triple the love, triple the pain, whatever you send out.

Some people add a third part to that part of the Rede. They see it as:

Ever mind the rule of three.
Whatever you send comes back to thee,
Unless in self-defense it be.

There are spells and charms in existence that would throw the negative energy back to the men that raped this woman (if it actually happened). There are also vengeful deities who protect their followers and exact a price when an injustice has occurred. Just like the christian god saying "justice shall be mine," many pagan deities do not take kindly to someone hurting one of their worshipers.

Thirdly, there is no such thing as white magic, gray magic, or black magic. Magic is magic. It's the heart and intention of the user that colors the magic. Anyone can be skilled in both positive and negative magic. You just have to determine whether or not your actions are worth the check you'll have to write out of your Karmic Bank account. In the instance of our raped girl, the karma check she wrote was more than covered by the huge deposit the Bank of Karma had to deposit into her account when she was tortured.
2006-07-24 10:52 am
Does the term, 'witch hunt' mean anything to you? It's used to describe the execution of a 'monkey trial' verdict. If you were serious, you'd be down at the cop shop...
2006-07-24 10:48 am
a) Witches don't walk around with some kind of magical force field around them (at least not all the time). Ever hear the saying "bad things happen to good people"? It reminds me of when people ask, why did something bad happen to that Christian? Why didn't God protect him?

b) Many witches would not get vengeance in a way that would cause harm serious enough to cause death. But like any religion, there are different extremes to which someone will go. There are also large number of people out there calling themselves witches who do not follow the true nature of the religion, who get their jollies out of casting spells just to see what kind of pain they can inflict on others.

c) If it could be proven, I don't see why not. I don't see that happening though.

d) Depends on what really happens after death. Maybe they were happier when they were alive. Maybe they are in 'hell' or maybe they simply do not exist any more.
2006-07-24 10:42 am
I'm not into those sort of things, so you may disregard this answer if you wish... however

This sounds like an urban myth. You say it's your friend's ex-girlfriend, but have you actually spoken to her? Or was it a friend of a friend? I think the more you investigate this story, the more it falls apart.

We don't want any more Salem Witch Trials, please... :-)
2006-07-24 10:41 am
A.) No amount of magic can protect you from violence.

B.) REAL white witches think it's wrong to cast spells on other people without their permission, even if it's for the good. Plus, they know anything you do comes back threefold.

C.) No. There's no way to prove it was her.

D.) No.

By the way, I think your friend is pulling your leg. If she was really missing for three days, don't you think her parents would have called the police?
2006-07-24 10:39 am
sorta sounds like an urban legend to me.
2006-07-24 10:36 am
Well, I must say, regardless of the circumstances, those rapists DID deserve to die (good god: THREE days of rape?!?!). Not so long ago, rape was a capital offence. Too bad it isn't one anymore...

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