What can I use to clean the smell out of the washer?

2006-07-23 7:28 pm
The smell is from stuff left in the machine not the clothes. The machine works well. I have been trying to clean the nooks and crannies with a screwdriver but it still smells.

回答 (20)

2006-07-23 7:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well, that depends on the smell. Your easiest option would be to run the washer with bleach and detergent... the bleach should neutralize any odors in the washer.

If, by any chance, the smell IS bleach (that happened to me), I would suggest running two empty loads with only detergent.

In some areas, the water has high concentrations of calcium, rust or Lime (and other minerals) that can leave your washer smelling funny adn sometimes can even discolor the inside surfaces. I'd try some CLR or OxyClean. Just make sure that you rinse it awfully well before putting clothing inside again.

If none of that works, you can always try washing it out by hand or spraying it with a surface deodorizer. I hope that something here is helpful! Good Luck!
2006-07-24 5:51 am
put the machine on a hot wash hottest program available whith no clothes in it add milton sterilising solution available from chemists for sterilising baby bottles also add a bottle of zaflora also available from the chemists you,ll have the sweatest smelling machine around well and mine it works a treat hope this helps you
2006-07-24 3:23 am
i would fill it up with hot water and whatever detergent i used and add bleach. let it agitate for a while, then stop it and let it sit for about 30-45 minutes. then restart it from the beginning and let it run the full time, and add fabric softener during the rinse cycle as usual and let it continue till it is finished. if you have fabric softerner sheets i would also add about three to the wash cycle. i beleive this should take care of the smell. let us know what you do and if it worked,okay?
2006-07-24 3:12 am
Hot water and bleach works like a charm. And for cleaning the outside of the machine, you'll find an old toothbrush is great for getting into otherwise inaccessable nooks and crannies.

Good luck!
2006-07-24 2:39 am
I looked this up in my cleaning book and it didn't have any suggestions on how to clean a stinky washer. The only thing I would suggest is to put soap, bleach and a gallon of vinegar in the longest wash cycle of your washer. When it's done, it should smell good. If not, try wetting the insides, and sprinkling on baking soda & letting it sit overnight, then put a normal measure of soap in and run it in its longest cycle again. I'm thinking that since baking soda is used to get the smells out of our refrigerators and sneakers, it should take care of the smells in other things too. You've got nothing to lose in giving it a try. <*)))><
參考: Try www.queenofclean.com for more help.
2006-07-24 2:38 am
baking soda and arm ,bleach and hammer laundry soap. For inside the machine put i cap full of detergent ,2 cups of bleach, and 2 boxes of baking soda run it through the smallest load size on hot wash hot rinse . For the rest of the machine take a spray bottle put on 1 tablespoon detergent 4 tablespoons of baking soda and 4 tablespoons of bleach fill with hot water shake well .Spray down the machine let it sit like 10 minutes .spray down well with water and dry it off.
2006-07-24 2:36 am
Corny but true. Take it down to the local car wash. Soak it down with engine cleaner. wait 10-15 miniutes and have at it with the pressure hose. When you get it home run an empty cycle using a whole bottle of bleach. then you're good to go.
2006-07-24 2:33 am
fill it full of water. pour some bleach it there. Let it sit for an hour, full of the bleach water. then let it run its cycle i guess. I would hope the smell goes away after that.
2006-07-24 2:32 am
Use a about 1 or 2 cups of vinegar and that will take the smell out of your washer.
2006-07-24 2:31 am
Run a couple cycles of the washing machine (without clothes in it) with nothing but a good dose of bleach (say about 1 cup). That should do the trick.

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