should alcohol be banned on all university campuses?

2006-07-23 7:07 pm
its my essay question and do you have a article about that subject please send me

回答 (13)

2006-07-23 7:13 pm
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No, because bans don't work and actually achieve the opposite of their goal. The experience the USA had during the Prohibition years is the best example.
But one should educate people about alcohol and make it less of a "normal" thing and more of a substance that is doing damage to many people. After all, people who go to university are usually supposed to be intelligent. So there could be hope after all...
2006-07-24 2:14 am
i think so. alcohol should be banned. that makes people always got in fight.
2006-07-24 2:12 am
i feel drinking at all colleges should be banned they think to much on the party scene then there is hazing i lost count where i read in the paper where someone died from alcohol blood poisoning from such conduct. though even if it were banned someone would find a way to sneak it on campus
2006-07-24 9:04 pm
No way. One of the clubs I am in sells alcohol at a concession stand during our sporting events. My group gets to keep a percentage of the profits that we make. We have raised almost 1,000 last year which we used to send members to a convention and donate to charities in the area. By selling alcohol on campus, we were able to really make a difference in the local community.
2006-07-24 2:57 am
All campuses should do what they can to keep a dry campus. Alcoholism is going up alarmingly and this is where it starts for most people.
2006-07-24 2:12 am
No way! thats half the reason why we go to university in the first place!!
2006-07-24 2:39 am
That is unconstitutional.... College students will protest a switch to a lower quality toilet paper and thats not even important. I cant even imagine the results of taking away their right to drink alcohol. Maybe in your paper you should talk about the the rights a college students have and the effect of taking away those rights. I would mention that prohibition ended in the 30's because it was unconstitional. Banning alcohol on a college campus would be a step backwards for our society.
參考: my head
2006-07-24 2:20 am
No, in fact I think colleges should have on campus locales for drinking. I went to school in the Bronx and there was a lot of drunken wandering in the Bronx that I would have never done while sober.
2006-07-24 2:16 am
why would you ban it on ANY campus? Last I heard, prohibition was long over, and it is legal to purchase/consume in all 50 states. A college is a center for higher learning, but that does not mean you must force this on anyone through bans, censorship, prohibitions, or any other means. people are made up of mostly water, and as such will always find their own level in life...nothing can change this. If an individual wishes to get drunk, miss class, etc. it is their problem and not a concern of anyone else.
2006-07-24 2:13 am
No, if you take it away, then you'll have most kids going out and driving drunk, with it on campus, most just walk home....

What they should do, is just have more security on campus so nothing gets out of hand....
參考: Me a Guy

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