How come Men don't express themselves like Women do?

2006-07-22 4:35 pm

回答 (23)

2006-07-22 4:40 pm
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men are insecure !
2006-07-23 10:05 am
you dont get around much do you,
2006-07-23 9:23 am
Men are just different creatures. Some where taught that it's not "manly" to express their feelings.
2006-07-23 12:05 am
They aren't wired that way. Their brains work in a diferent way. They are set up for the hunting/gathering role, while women are set up fo the nurture/social role.
參考: OB/Gyn CNP
2006-07-23 12:04 am
My boyfriend definitely expresses himself, but the way he does that is NOT how a girl does it.

No, he is very blunt about it, and goes about it in a matter-of-fact way. It's sometimes even funny how emotionless he seems when he's stating what are actually his true feelings.

But, you know what, he was my best friend for 4 years before he became my bf so it might be different in our case!
2006-07-22 11:51 pm
If both people in the relationship openly express themselves, the relationship usually fails quickly. If one person is weaker emotionally, it requires lots of work for the other person to maintain balance in the relationship. Men usually try and watch everything they say, as not to upset the balance of the relationship. It is programmed into us at a young age by our fathers saying things like “don’t tell your mother” or “we don’t want to upset your mother” As young men we quickly adopt an emotional closed-door policy as a self defense mechanism.
2006-07-22 11:47 pm
Most men think it is a sign of weakness or just gay
so they wont and granted some women are just to whining and needy and need to just cowboy up,
But men it would be nice if just once in awhile be a bi##h!
2006-07-22 11:46 pm
They have been taught and conditioned to keep their feelings and emotions in check.
2006-07-22 11:45 pm
Because we're men for one thing because of the way we are raised for another and because women don't really want to know how we feel. Men aren't wired the same as women. There may be a few that come close but they are more likely gay.
2006-07-22 11:44 pm
the easiest way to tell you is. Men deal in facts women deal in emotion. Women are more pron to use both sides of their brain where men use only one side (i forget which side we use).
Also most men are staight forward of thier wants and needs. and most Women want you to figure it out by giving hints and saying things in passing.
I can't remeber which episode it was but on mind of mencia Carlos mecia explains it pretty well. And none of the women in the audiance could argue because he was right.
2006-07-22 11:43 pm
Because if everyone male and female had feelings like women the world would be an emotional frenzy
2006-07-22 11:42 pm
I think it has something to do with your Y chromosome...
2006-07-22 11:41 pm
Because that is how the Lord made them. Women are word-oriented and men are visually-oriented. That's why you often see gorgeous female models with nasty rock stars and ugly musicians. It's the words that attract those women. Men, on the other had, are visual, and go more by what a woman looks like than by what they say. For example, the top two things men need in marriage are sex and a recreation partner. The top two things women need are affection and conversation.
參考: Paula White's book, See me, Hear me, Know me.
2006-07-22 11:41 pm
i do, but other guys use this as an excuse to put me down, but they are the losers because i have many friends because i express myself, and i am not of the homosexual persuasion!
2006-07-22 11:40 pm
We just don't.

Deal with it.
2006-07-22 11:40 pm
2006-07-22 11:39 pm
I don't like to burden others
2006-07-22 11:39 pm
Men are more... well. Ok men are stuck up. They can't express them self in front of people unless they really like you. But most of the time men just want to be cool and expressing them self is so not cool!
2006-07-22 11:38 pm
It's a man thing, you wouldn't understand.
2006-07-22 11:38 pm
Some of them do...I've been blessed :)
2006-07-22 11:38 pm
They are scared of looking like a wuss. They are also conditioned from an early age that they should not be as sensitive as women. It is a rule that has been imposed on us since early childhood.
2006-07-22 11:38 pm
because they are too busy telling us what to do :(
2006-07-22 11:37 pm
I wish I had the answer to this as well, some men do and some men just feel un easy doing it

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