How do you pronounce Givency?

2006-07-22 3:12 am

回答 (8)

2006-07-22 3:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
zhi (as in zhivago) von she
2006-07-22 3:33 am
you pronounce zjibishishiet
2006-07-22 3:20 am
go to it shows you how to pronounce it
2006-07-22 3:16 am
The people who write "give en chee" evidently have NO knowledge of French. Molly R and Lonely_girl3_98 are wrong.

Maynardlibras (right above) is correct. So is Mel (below).
2006-07-22 3:15 am
jee von she
2006-07-22 3:15 am
Give en chee - stress on "en"
2006-07-22 3:14 am
2006-07-22 3:14 am
give N chee

et je parle plus bien francais
merci et bon soir

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