why do men keep on putting their hands in their boxers?

2006-07-21 12:49 pm
they feel their dicks and then they rub it. why? i saw this happen, and i saw the guys dick it was lovely!!!!!!

does it feel great??

回答 (16)

2006-07-21 12:53 pm
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To make sure someone hasn't stolen it.
2006-07-22 7:25 am
As a guy... I have to say it is because it is to make it more comfortable as it moves around...
2006-07-22 5:59 am
The reason why men do that is because it is a bad habit and most of the times the package is not in a comfortable position after sitting or walking so we have to make it lay or hang in a comfortable position.Women like to play with their hair and men play with their jewels.
2006-07-21 11:04 pm
I asked my husband the same thing and he says because it is his and he can play with it if he wants
2006-07-21 10:11 pm
uummmmm well guys do it to move thier dicks about and like just play with it to make them feel even more hornier!!!
2006-07-21 9:02 pm
maybe just increase some pressure......
sometimes it fells better to give a slight pressure
2006-07-21 8:38 pm
I think it's a bit of a comfort / reassurance thing. Like the way a child might suck their thumb or have a safety blanket or something. Guys seem to do it more when they are nervous, stressed or tired.
2006-07-21 7:57 pm
Thats men for you..........
I saw a guy cross the road the other day...because he thought the chicken was a slu.t
2006-07-21 7:55 pm
because to remember that male too have big coc who is hungry for pusy cats
2006-07-21 7:52 pm
good for you, but remeber not all men do that, they prefer a woman to do it.

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