will i get reproductive problems if i keep on wetting my balls after masturbation?

2006-07-21 10:59 am
my balls take a plunge on cold water after doing my thing....

my balls take a plunge on cold water after doing my thing.... im in my early 20's. i usually do it after i get the crap outta my ******. since im in a toilet, i could might as well do the deed... then of course, wash them all off after that. as a matter of fact, i have a girlfriend. we made a vow not to have sex till we get married. thats why im stuck with this habit... but i think she's worth the wait. so while waiting, i'll just settle for this... funny i get the liking in reading your answers. this is the first time i sent a question in yahoo.

回答 (6)

2006-07-21 11:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
How old are you and why exacltly do you plunge your testicles in cold water after masturbation? Don't see how it can harm you though.

Get a life and get some girls to do it with.
2006-07-21 2:14 pm
the ideal temperature for testicles is 35 degrees

too cold or too hot will inhibit the formation of sperm
2006-07-21 12:55 pm
cold water will not do harm to you, only hot water can lower your sperm count
2006-07-21 11:38 am
Try warm water
works for me
2006-07-21 11:12 am
Wow.. why in cold water!!! that is soo wierd... no wonder your balls are acting all funny...
2006-07-21 11:07 am
if you like do it. nothing is gonna happen

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