Do Japanese characters make you happy?

2006-07-20 11:35 am
The graceful charm of hiragana,
The classical elegance of kanji,
The subtle simplicity of katakana...

Japanese, whether printed or written, never fails to make me happy ^_^

("When the bee stings, when the dog bites, when I'm feeling sad... I simply think of the Japanese scripts, and then I don't feel so bad!")

To waterdancer: My knowledge of history, family background, and opposition to the Yasukuni shrine visits do NOT influence my appreciation of the Japanese language. Besides, I'm caught between a japanophobic paternal family and a japanophilic maternal family... so I have to compromise sometimes by learning to appreciate one aspect while disliking another. And, the Japanese language is one aspect of their culture that I choose to appreciate! The same goes for their food, traditional rituals, and architecture (which is heavily Chinese-influenced, anyway). The Japanese government, on the other hand... I don't like; neither do I have much fondness for their rigid social structures.

回答 (17)

2006-07-20 2:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
You're definitely right. Japanese is marvelous. Kanji is beautiful.

If you get familiar with Japanese, you can get whole meaning of several sentences at a glance.

We don't read Japanese when reading them. We just watch them when reading them.
2006-07-21 10:37 am
Yes agree.
And I would like to say Traditional Chinese Hanzi is more cool. even it is more difficult to read though...
2006-07-21 4:41 am
I love all things Japanese and always have.
2006-07-20 10:44 pm
Depends on the form of Kanji. . . . but it can be a beautifully written language. Many can, if everyone can get over the social boundries they have.
2006-07-20 10:43 pm
No, it make me blur.
2006-07-20 9:03 pm
you forgotten how your grandfather nearly have his head chop off? you would still like it if your mother was forced by the Japanese to perform? would you?
2006-07-20 8:57 pm
no but Chinese characters do.
2006-07-20 7:42 pm
no way. i can't understand one stupid word in japanese.
2006-07-20 6:55 pm
The subtle simplicity of katakana?

Wow, they make me think of sticks and angles more.
2006-07-20 6:43 pm
hhhmm mabe if you find funny little symbols funny. hmmm maybe ill have to try that one lol. whatever floats ya boat!
2006-07-20 6:42 pm
i can't read them so how can i be happy?
when i have japanese remote control i panic on which button to press. i only know the symbol for play, pause, forward, rewind, stop. as for the rest, it really makes me unhappy.
2006-07-20 6:40 pm
Yes. Especially Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi...he's quite a character. I got a kick out of when he visited Graceland with GWB.

The Japs needed to lighten up a bit and Koizumi is a good role model.
2006-07-20 6:39 pm
That's nice, I never thought of it that way.
2006-07-20 6:38 pm
2006-07-20 6:37 pm
sure but some ppl like my sis think that im emo and im not!
2006-07-20 6:37 pm
2006-07-20 6:36 pm

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