When you were in high school, what clique did you belong to?

2006-07-20 10:51 am
I was the misfit rocker chick...lol

回答 (17)

2006-07-21 2:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
the f**k up/ loner /stoner / misfit outcast /artist /rocker
參考: ///////////////////
2006-07-21 3:36 am
Not the nerds, or the very popular, didn't want to be, I was one of the ones in the middle, I could fit in with any group, if I wanted to. p.s. I hated school!
2006-07-21 12:46 am
I was the athletic, but prissy girl who hung out with the bad boy rockers...... I did not seem to fit anywhere else, and they were fun and not snoby so I enjoyed it.....
2006-07-21 12:15 am
i didn't belong to anything in high school. i was pretty much part of a group of friends that were stoners, when i showed up for school anyway.
2006-07-20 7:17 pm
Band geeks and other nerds....that's right....I admitted it....I may have been considered both a geek and a nerd
2006-07-20 6:40 pm
Well, the "literature-obsessed girls" with classmates in my own year, and the "science-lovers" with friends from the year right below ours! :p
2006-07-20 6:08 pm
I was the " Social Butterfly"! I was prez of choir, member of girl's league council, secretary of Drama, played softball, smoked out in the stadium, threw kick-*** ditch parties, worked in the attendance office 6th period.

You are only a rocker chick.......SLACKER!
2006-07-20 6:04 pm
preps like duh!
2006-07-20 5:59 pm
I am ashamed to say I was a bit of a bully. Not of the phsical kind, but I was quite horrible to some of the others.

It was all because I got teased in primary school, for being small and skinny and clever, so when I "blossomed", and my boobs grew, and I discovered men, I decided it was time to get my own back.

Unfair, I know, and evil, but that's the way I was (then).
2006-07-20 5:58 pm
I applied to join a number of cliques.....but i'm still waiting to hear back from them.

(Is 30 years enough time for them to make up their minds? Or should i give them a little more?)
2006-07-20 5:56 pm
i was in a popular clique, and in a smrt clique but not the geeky smart kinda thing...
2006-07-20 5:56 pm
I always had music with me, ready to crank it. The football(American football) team was a bunch of metalheads. They liked my music.

And I belonged to ALL the cliques.
2006-07-20 5:56 pm
2006-07-20 5:55 pm
I didn't really care, people are people and there were some rude girls who thought they were "all that" so I just kept away from them.
2006-07-20 5:55 pm
None. Cliques are for snobs.
2006-07-20 5:54 pm
I was part of the gay clique, and I'm straight now!!!! Really. It was just a phase.
2006-07-20 5:54 pm
I was an outcast and only wished I could belong to any clique but I did not fit in any where

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