When can you call yourself a dancer?

2006-07-18 5:17 am
Like not professional, but not in that amaturish way.

ive started really recently (im 13)
abnd really enjoy jazz.
my teacher says ive got a lot of talent, but im wondering if i can really call myself a dancer and not come off iggnorant or vain.

回答 (18)

2006-07-18 11:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
I have the same problem used to do figure skating and i did it for 4 years but i was always scared to call my self a "figure skater" but then when i really thought about it i was like i've been doin this for 4 years you can start calling your self a skater!? i could have when i started lol (i'm 13 too) Well i have been a Ballet Dancer for about 7-8 Years...But i think you can call yourself a dancer as soon as you start just as long as you love it and not planning to quit any time soon.
happy dancing!
2006-07-18 7:54 pm
When you get compliments for your dancing. When someone tells you, wow you are really good, then you know you are a good dancer.
2006-07-18 5:32 am
I don't know.

I've been playing piano for 10 years. I've won competitions, performed with orchestras and such... but I never call myself a "pianist". Calling myself that just sounds tacky to me, like I'm a professional pianist doing it for a living...

But maybe the connotation of "dancer" may be different? I think I'd be more comfortable calling someone a "dancer" than a "pianist". It's just like... being a "pianist" is someone's job, but someone who dances is a "dancer"! ^_^
2016-08-23 2:08 pm
I often end up submitting the same thing on other sites
2016-03-16 1:17 pm
For any of them, I would consider calling yourself a whatever when you get booked on a job and paid for it. You don't necessarily need an agent to be a model - if you are just doing fashion shows in a local mall, you probably aren't going to be with an agency, but you can still call yourself a model as you got paid for the job.
2006-07-18 6:14 pm
my teacher says it takes ten yrs 2 train a dancer and u can really call ur self a dancer when u take like 3-4 classes a week
2006-07-18 4:11 pm
I started dancing when I was 18. I called myself a dancer like after the first completion of my class. I really devote my life to dance, but not professionally. So I consider myself a dancer.
2006-07-18 12:05 pm
f*ck the people who think your vein. if u think your a dancer than ur a dancer hell i think im a fish!
2006-07-18 11:30 am
evreyone says that i am realy a good dancer.
2006-07-18 7:14 am
ok i have been dancing since i was 3 and i am 14 so yea i kno where you coming from.Honestly, when you feel comfortable with how you dance and how you feel when you dance is when you can call your self a dancer.So here is my advice:
1.take something you feel comfertable with
2.love what you do if you dont like it then dont do it cause your just hurting yourself
3.Have FUN!
2006-07-18 6:45 am
I think it takes alot of experience and confidence to call yourself 'a dancer.' It usually implies that you're doing it professionally, which you aren't. If you want to tell someone about dance, though, you may want to say 'I dance' rather then 'I am a dancer.'
2006-07-18 5:57 am
well wen you perform for full on audience i mean ive danced 2m frm the queen and i guess wen people constantly giving u compliments, keep doing what u love and you will know in your heart wen u are a dancer
2006-07-18 5:52 am
If your teacher say`s you have a lot of talent I would have thought it meant you were a A1 dancer for your age, of course you have a lot more to learn, but being only 13 you have quite a few years left to do it (learn I mean) good luck for the future
2006-07-18 5:27 am
You can call yourself a dancer when, after 2 outlaws empty their six-guns of all their bullets, you have avoided getting shot in the foot or feet.

"Well, pardner, looks like you're a pretty good dancer." (first outlaw)

"Yeah. You ought to go ask Miss Lily at the Dry Gulch Saloon if'n you can dance for the customers." (outlaw #2)

HAHAHAHAHAHAAH! (both outlaws)
2006-07-18 5:24 am
I think you can call yourself a dancer, when you dance for your profession
2006-07-18 5:22 am
When you know you're not just biginning, and you`re used to it.
2006-07-18 5:21 am
when you are acklowledged as a dancer from an expert (teacher, another good dancer..ect.)
2006-07-18 5:21 am
I am reallly a dancer.
2006-07-18 5:21 am
If you are happy with yourself in what you are doing, dearheart, then you are a dancer...........Take care,honey and keep dancing...........

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