Bed time for a 13 yr. old ...?

2006-07-16 3:06 pm
ok well im 13 yrs. old and when its school time, i normally go to bed at 9:00 pm to 10:00 pm . my friends think its lame that i go to bed that early.
well i was sleeping over at one of my friends house with some other girls when it was school time, i went to sleep at 9:30 pm and they whent to bed at like 1:00 am . in the morning i couldnt make them get up, and i was just fine.
do you think that 9:00 pm is a good or a bad time for a 13 yr. to go to bed, and why?
p.s. please no stupid answers

回答 (29)

2006-07-16 3:10 pm
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go to bed it is good for you, you answered your own question if you sleep you are rested in the morning and they are draging. keep doing what you are doing OK
2006-07-16 11:59 pm
I'm also 13, and my parents like me to be in bed by 11:00 at the latest, but I usually like to be in bed at 10:30, depending on my homework. It all really depends on preferance, you know?
2006-07-16 11:36 pm
You need at least 9 hours of sleep at your age. Calculate what time you have to get up, and plan your bedtime.
2006-07-16 10:53 pm
I think you are a very sensibile girl. Keep it up. You need your rest so you can do well in school. Plus you dont want to start to have bags under your eyes and and looking older than you are.
2006-07-16 10:49 pm
i guess i am 2 years younger than u and go to bed at11:00
2006-07-16 10:22 pm
your bed time is fine. my parents used to have a rule. my sister and i could go to bed as late as we wanted on a school night---as long as my parents did not have to wake us up and we got up on time. if we didn't, there would be hell to pay! we stuck to that plan and it worked. my sister would go in at 9:00. i would go after 11:00. we always were awake on time for school the next morning!! (even when i was crazy tired from going in late!!) whatever works as long as you're resonsible for yourself waking up the next day. that's the way it works in the real world when you become an adult!! good luck to you.
2006-07-16 10:19 pm
Well it actually depends on when you have to get up. Since you are a student, you'll need 7-8 hrs of sleep.9:00 pm is a bit too early but its ok if you have have to get up really early. I am also 13 and I sleep at 11:00 pm and get up at 6:00 am for school. I try to make sure that I don't sleep later than that ,unless there's a party or something.
2006-07-16 10:17 pm
9 is good. when i was 13 i went at 9 too i think..
well u can tell its much better for u cause ur mates couldnt get up in the morning when they went to bed at 1am.
oh just go when ur tired
2006-07-16 10:17 pm
i think you should go to bed when you feel tired. If this time is fine for you, then dont stay up just because your friends tell you its lame! Im like you, i also go to bed at 10pm max 11pm and i am 18! :-) I know this is good for me, because i need so much sleep and i have no problem to wake up at 7am when i need to go to school. I know that opinon of your friends is very important for you, but you know whats best for you and what should you do in order to feel fine. Nobody has a right to judge you. Sleeping is your personal thing so dont do something just because you want to be like others. This makes you special!!! :-)
Good luck and Feel free to be YOURSELF and do what YOU like as long as you dont hurt someone or as long as you dont do something illegal :-)
2006-07-16 10:17 pm
School days i go to bed at 10:30 a.m or 11:00.a.m and at weekdens I go to bed at 12:00am. no scool day I can go to bed anyime I want.
2006-07-16 10:17 pm
yeah its a good time for ur health and u sleep well and enough and ur in a good condition for school the next day right, so disembarrass what ur friends say
2006-07-16 10:16 pm
hey girl,

i know how that feels!
i'm 13 2 !
i go to bed and 9:00pm and don't wake up till 7
i think its a good way to start the day
i know , everyone calls me sleeping buety
i always sleep in wen da holidays come
i say forget about your friends and sleep at 9:00
but during the holidays sleep as late as u want
last time i went to sleep at 2:00am
and didn't wake up till 10:00 am

good luck girl

if you can talk to me wen eva u wnt
glad 2 help out
2006-07-16 10:14 pm
No I don't think that going to bed at 9:30 is stupid. If you are studying no later than 10:30. But it is to say that young people should get between 7-8 hours of sleep in order for them to do good in school. You are getting 9.5 hours of sleep, you are probably a good student. Get all the sleep you can. Because when you get older, you will wish that you could sleep like that again. Don't worry about the nutty girls, the sleep deprivation will get them.
2006-07-16 10:14 pm
Being a nighttime person my whole life I clearly understand there are “morning people.”

You will probably be this way your entire life and as far as getting good jobs, making money, and socializing, you will do better than the rest. Stick with it.

I wish I were a morning person, but I’m not.
2006-07-16 10:14 pm
i think a bed for a 13 yr. old is 1:00 Am because i have a 13 yr. old brother who goes to bed at 1:00 Am.
2006-07-16 10:13 pm
9 PM on school nights is absolutely right if you're getting up at 6. Don't listen to peers who are not performing as well as they could just because they have either lousy parents or no work ethic.

This study from Stanford says kids your age need 9 hours and 15 minutes of sleep per night to be at peak performance.
2006-07-16 10:13 pm
Dont b crazy like ur other friends. U r doing the correct thing jus like any other 13yr old. Do what U want to do and not wot others do....u wil surely succeed in life.
2006-07-16 10:12 pm
It's good for you, but ah, I wish I could have slept that early when I was your age.

I had too much homework and studying to do when I was 13, so I ended up sleeping at around 11pm every night. Well, now (I'm 17), I have even more to do, so I sleep at 1 or 2 >_<.

Wah, I need sleep!! Now, this is one con of having skipped a grade. Heh.
2006-07-16 10:12 pm
You are 13 years old and still growing. You need at least 8 hours of sleep a night to be healthy. 9-10pm is fine. Ignore your friends, they're just a bunch of kids anyways.
2006-07-16 10:11 pm
Yes its definately a good time to go..You need your sleep ...While they are sleeping the day away you are up and ready for the next day...I would rather sleep the nights than the days!! Just keep in mind the less sleep you get the worse off your attitude and everyday life activities!!

Good question.. My daughter is 12 and she goes early too!
2006-07-16 10:11 pm
i think thats a good time unless u stay up till all hours of the morning doing "stupid" **** like talking bout boyfreinds and dy to day life.**** like 6 and even MY freinds dont go to sleep that late .not on weekdays.they're juss tryin to be bigshit
2006-07-16 10:11 pm
Yes, it's reccomended that 0-12 monthes=12 hours of sleep 1-11=9 hours 12-13= 8 hours
2006-07-16 10:11 pm
if you are really sleeping at that time, you are just fine. I sleep late, and it's really bad. I only just woke up a few minutes ago. But I have insomnia... I'm always up late. Don't let your friends bother you, you're just building a good habit of getting up at a regular and reasonable time.
2006-07-16 10:11 pm
That sounds like a very sensible time to go to bed. You're way smarter than your friends if you ask me..
2006-07-16 10:11 pm
It's good, better if it was 8PM. I went to sleep at that age at 9PM everyday, especially during school days. Medical research has shown that almost nobody is getting enough sleep these days and recommends about 12 hours of sleep, but nobody can afford to.
2006-07-16 10:10 pm
Trust me, 9 - 10pm is the perfect bed time. Your friends probably aren't aware that lack of sleep ages people. You are well ahead so I encourage you to stay going to sleep early. The other benefits of sleeping early are that it helps you grow properly and it is necessary for healthy skin.
2006-07-16 10:10 pm
When your MOMMY says so - this is not a stupid answer - it will make more sense in 5 years when you are an adult.
2006-07-16 10:10 pm
9 to ten bc then you are refreshed the next day but if school is out like 12 or later
2006-07-16 10:10 pm
I think 9:00pm is a little early. I used to go to bed at 12:00 when I was 13...

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