Do you eat, drink, and/or sleep on the computer desk?

2006-07-16 1:24 pm
I have a few times..... I do not have school so if I want to live by the computer for a few days...... WHO CARES?! (my friends)

I only do this during summer break from school.

回答 (28)

2006-07-16 1:28 pm
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I eat and drink here but not sleep...... however it has KEPT me from sleeping..does that count? lol Stupid addictive sites (like this) plus all my friends are in different time zones right now, so they're all a couple of hours behind me!
2006-07-16 3:37 pm
i eat at the comp, but dont sleep, i have a bed for that lol
2006-07-16 3:01 pm
I don't do any. Eating around it just gunks up the keyboard and if I spilt anything I could ruin the computer all together so I don't drink around it. I also don't sleep on it because I could probably end up with imprints on my face from the keyboard and also I think it's really cool of u not to care what others think. Keep it up :)
2006-07-16 2:53 pm
I eat and drink at the computer and so does my spouse.
2006-07-16 2:26 pm
2006-07-16 2:06 pm
I only eat and drink here... two out of three ain't bad...
2006-07-16 1:41 pm
i onli eat on the computer desk i hav a bed but when ever i sleep on the bed when i wake up i m on the floor i want to know how do i fall from the bed and i can't even notice it
2006-07-16 1:38 pm
Actually, my computer is on the dining table because there's no room for another desk in our tiny apartment.
2006-07-16 1:36 pm
I do! But then again, I have plenty of room beside the computer to set down a drink or food, and it *is* in my bedroom.........
2006-07-16 1:35 pm
i seem to spend far, to much time,
here on my computer .
IT has become, the most important thing in my life


now the sun is shining ,

I think i will go lummox in the garden.
Now where did i put my book ?

參考: imo
2006-07-16 1:34 pm
I try not to since I'm married, especially the sleeping part. That kind of bothers hubby. But the computers and the Internet are quite addicting and it's easy to lose track of time when you're using it. I don't think it's healthy to spend your entire summer at the computer though. Go out with your friends and do something active at least every other day so your body doesn't atrophy.
2006-07-16 1:32 pm
what a true and silly question i do eat and drink but never sleep on the desk but i am sure other computerholics prob do .MY bed is always my best friend sorry compuuter.
2006-07-16 1:31 pm
i eat and drink, but never sleep. Isn't comfortable enough
2006-07-16 1:31 pm
i eat at the computer desk but sleep in bed. good on you, but stop being lazy play footie get fit.
2006-07-16 1:30 pm
I eat, drink, and occasionally camp out at the computer. But its dangerous if you try all three.
2006-07-16 1:30 pm
I don't sleep or eat. But I do have a cup of tea.
Mainly I use my pc for my work....and every now and then I take a few minutes off to join yahoo answers!
2006-07-16 1:30 pm
I've had a few quick meals while on the computer and always have my caffeine fix nearby, but I've never slept at my desk, I'd be unable to walk for days if my old bod even tried! LOL But hey, if it works for you that's cool.
2006-07-16 1:30 pm
eat and drink sure fairly often but sleep nope not comfy enough i will stay at computer til im almost asleep but then my bed starts calling......
2006-07-16 1:29 pm
yeah, i do
2006-07-16 1:29 pm
i eat and drink near my computer but i have got so much to do on it! but i go to sleep in my quite comfy bed with a 4+ year old matress!
2006-07-16 1:29 pm
I had breakfast and I am drinking coffe now at the desk..I do not sleep here, because it's too uncomfortable
2006-07-16 1:29 pm
There is no substituion for human interaction. Your computer will always be there but your friends may not be.

If you are ever given the choice between hanging out with your friends or sitting on the computer, choose your friends!!!!

Otherwise, eh, who cares how much time you sit in front of the computer?
2006-07-16 1:29 pm
yes, have been known to do this ALOT!!!
2006-07-16 1:28 pm
yeah I do everyday.
2006-07-16 1:28 pm
Only drink, table for eating and sleeping in bed among other things
2006-07-16 1:27 pm
No i have better things to do
2006-07-16 1:27 pm
Yep. Often.
2006-07-16 1:26 pm
i only eat by the computer, my bed is too comphy not to sleep in

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