Why is Israel allowed to kill with full American support?

2006-07-14 1:06 pm

回答 (15)

2006-07-14 1:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
U answered yourself.....bcuz of full american support
2006-07-14 8:52 pm
Some version of this question comes up several times a day. So I made a copy of this so I won't have to retype it several times a day.

"Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defense if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security. Measures taken by Members in the exercise of this right of self-defense shall be immediately reported to the Security Council and shall not in any way affect the authority and responsibility of the Security Council under the present Charter to take at any time such action as it deems necessary in order to maintain or restore international peace and security."
參考: UN Charter Chapter 7, Article 51
2006-07-14 8:38 pm
Well for one thing. You need to define what you mean by kill and who you are complaining about them killing? If you are complaing about the attacks on Hezbollah where ever they are. I'm all for it.

Israel left Lebanon some years ago and hadn't fired a shot at Lebanon during that time that I can remember. Hezbollah (one of the ruling groups of Lebanon) comes into Israel and kidnapps two soldiers and kills eight more. What did you expect Israel to do? Nothing? You can forget that idea.

Israel hit back and hit back hard. They targeted Hezbollah TV, offices and homes. And they put bridges, roads, and runways out of commission. Was there collateral damage? Yes. What do you expect when right in the middle of town is where the Hezbollah were. Did Hezbollah think because they were in the middle of town they wouldn't be attacked? Were those brave Hezbollah hiding behind womens skirts and little children?

And when Hezbollah fires rockets are they aimed at political officials? No they weren't aimed at anything smaller than a whole town.

Why aren't you as mad at Hezbollah for their instigating this situation as you are at Americans?
2006-07-14 8:34 pm
Sorry, but let me tell you something no one will tell you so blatantly: America has a powerful and respected people who happened to be Jews, now those get mutated along with devout Christians into Zionists who are organized groups of individuals in power spots, they need Israel to exist as pure Jewish homeland as promised in the holy bible to serve as America's ally and beacon spot to guide the advent of the Messiah. Now you could see those people who rule America in the current administration, they have names and can be traced back to their favorite extra curricular activity which is supporting the existence of Israel.
Need I say more so that you complete the whole picture?
參考: www.csmonitor.com Look for the neo-cons.
2006-07-14 8:33 pm
So they aren't supposed to defend themselves? If someone is attacking you, do you just sit there and let them?
2006-07-14 8:20 pm
What power do we have to stop them? They have every right to defend themselves.

Israel is our ally. Our only TRUE ally in the Middle East.

Israel is fighting terrorists. That gets them my blessing.
2006-07-14 8:19 pm
Because the American people are blissfully unaware
of how $90 Billion of their taxes has gone to Israel to support their Barbarism:-

When this is what the Israeli's have been up to, ever since 1955:-
2006-07-14 8:12 pm
Why, are you a "Peaceful Muslim"?
2006-07-14 8:12 pm
Israel was attacked via rockets launched by Hezbollah. What on earth did you expect them to do? Sit back and take it? Come on, get all the facts and then go back and look at the situation. Apparently you are only getting one side that is lying to you.
2006-07-14 8:11 pm
Because America would get no financial gain if they stepped in, so they haven't.
2006-07-14 8:11 pm
Because Americans kill with full Israeli support
2006-07-14 8:11 pm
Politics is NOT the only area where you find strange bedfellows. In short, ecomomic gain.
2006-07-14 8:11 pm
it's not full american support,its Bushy who supports Israel
2006-07-14 8:10 pm
If you read the news, the U.S. has totally condemned the events in Israel and Lebanon. Unfortunately both sides in that conflict have refused to back down, so things are only going to get worse with more casualties.
2006-07-14 8:10 pm
Last I checked, they retaliated. And, by the way, America's pressuring them to stop the reprisals on Lebanon. Check your facts.

One day the Arabs will realize that it's a losing proposition to keep attacking the Jews. They're never going to get their land back. Deal with it and move on...or continue to get your asses handed to you by the Israelis.

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