What are your opinions on the anime Neon Genesis Evangelion?

2006-07-13 9:19 am
Ya know, since it has like religious symbology in it.

I liked it because it was one of those unique animes, since it included religion in it, I also like how the creator didn't make it all fantasy and stuff, I mean I like fantasy, but there are SO MANY ELVES!!!!


The last episode was studying Shinji's mind, then Shinji learns he CAN love himself, I liked the part with the alternate reality, "HEY YOU'RE THAT PERVERT WHO WAS STARING AT MY PANTIES!!"and Rei said it!! XD

回答 (7)

2006-07-17 10:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Neon Genesis is simply put the best Anime ever to grace any kind of electronic screen. It has an AWESOME deeper meaning, it could literaly change your life. I mean, for crying out loud it was written by a suicidaly depressed guy, how can it not be interesting. Not only is the final meaning interesting, but you can draw your own conclusions about different symbolism. Plus the characters are great, a self hating teen age boy, an immature parental figure, an agressive confused German girl. It is simply put, amazing. Now if you are into anime just for action or violence, this isn't the one, the back story would likely blow your mind. ; ). But if you want 'Fan Service' you got it.
P.S. Asuka rox.
2006-07-13 9:55 am
Awesome until the end, then wtf?
2006-07-13 9:43 am
Shallow and pedantic.
2006-07-13 9:24 am
Never seen it. Will have to give it a gander. ~J~
2006-07-13 9:23 am
i think its very good 'coz it's not simply a cartoon but it has something to say although the message behind is quite hard to understand.
2006-07-13 9:22 am
That's one of my favorite anime when I was a teen.
2006-07-13 9:21 am
Personally for me the religion ruined it. I stopped buying the DVD after like 3 discs.

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