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You can't, because water is the WASTE product of combustion, not the fuel.
You need the components of water before they are combined (2 parts hydrogen, one oxygen) - these separated components will burn and create energy when they combine - water is the waste product.
OK, simple, you just need hydrogen (oxygen can come from the air), but hydrogen is a gas at room temperature and is explosive from 4% to 98% in air. So it is dangerous (look at the Hindenburg).
You can liquify hydrogen to make it a liquid, but you now have rocket fuel (look at the Challenger explosion).
You can combine hydrogen gas with carbon to form a liquid hydrocarbon fuel, which is what we have today: gasoline. This is great from the energy standpoint: the carbon burns to form CO2, but bad from a greenhouse gas point of view.
The trick today is to capture hydrogen on a fine substrate that will hold the gaseous hydrogen in a solid state as a hydride, or, use hydrogen in a fuel cell arrangement to directly convert hydrogen to H2O.
Anyone that tells you that you can run a car on water doesn't know what they are talking about thermodynamically, regardless of the "conversion" - it is not possible.