is the higher education is important for higher job?

2006-07-11 11:41 am
for career

回答 (4)

2006-07-11 11:52 am
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Not definatley, but it certainly helps. Stats back up that you increase your earning power almost two-fold by going from a HS diploma to a BA.

Then again there are plenty of examples of incredible successes who did not finish a college degree (Bill Gates). But they are few and far between.
2006-07-11 3:15 pm
It depends on the field that you are entering and location. For example, I'm in Corporate finance, and the upper level jobs require a Master's degree. If you're going into psychology, you've got to have a Ph.D. Explore your field of interest and see what kind of a degree you need. Also by region. On a national basis, 20% of the population has a 4 yr. degree and 7% have an advanced degree. But, in the Washington, DC area (where I live), 60% have 4 year degrees and 40% have advanced degrees. So in the DC area, you really need to have a minimum of a Masters if you want a professional job. Again, do your research.
2006-07-11 1:53 pm
yes, at present environment higher education is must for higher job
2006-07-11 12:29 pm
It is absolutely not, higher education only means you got more on basic knowledge and theory from books.
Higher Education helps you to have a better starting to build up your career, that's it! Of course if you want promotion, education would be one of the facts to consider.
But according to some of the research, if your education is too high, it's also hard to find a job because some of the employers might not know how to negotiate their salary and benefits for them as the education standard is higher than themselves.
So that if you really got high education, go for some large companies would be better.

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