Best ways to advertise a Wedding Photography business?

2006-07-11 3:58 am

回答 (9)

2006-07-11 4:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
After well over twenty years in this business I am going to give you two things that you would have to pay for if you waited for my book---so you'll owe me somewhere before long at all because both of these will pay off better than the slots------

First off--make a couple of simple three ring binder mini portfolios---and take them to local tux rental businesses and bridal gown shoppes---talk out offering them for the customers there to look through while they're in the store--be sure and have your name and contact information on the book and leave quite a few business cards as well--try to stop by and check up on these every so often and make sure they never run out of your business cards

The other place that this idea works is in bakeries that either specialize in or have areas within their business that specialize in the production of wedding cakes---these places are gold mines for prospects

The other takes some logistics---some planning ---and some real effort --but can pay like splitting stock options---and that is a thing called the POLK DIRECTORY--This amazing little power house comes out new every year in most sizeable cities in America and within its pages has the cross referenced names and addresses of every citizen in the city---this will run into an investment here because these puppies are not free--cost somewhere around 150 usd each---NOW THE POOR MAN'S VERSION would be the phone book -- but the phone book will not be nearly so targeted-------you take this little book and the local paper---you read and make notes on each and every engagement you find announced there--you note--especially the bride to be's name and where she's from--and then you use your book to find that person's address and you send her a run down on the services you offer--your price lists--and a personal invite to view your work and talk out her particular needs for her wedding

I have done tens of thousands of dollars using nothing more than these two simple public relations tools and you can benefit from them too---hope this helps you--I just hope I haven't turned loose another competitor in the Dallas, Texas area------------
2017-03-09 2:51 am
參考: Digital Photography Tutorials
2016-12-20 5:42 pm
參考: Make Better Pictures
2006-07-11 9:29 pm
Associations may be a good avenue to explore as well. See the source box for some relevant links.

Hope that helps! I wish you much success & happiness in all your ventures!
參考: Associations: -- Association of Certified Professional Wedding Consultants -- Association for Wedding Professionals International – Professional Photographers of America
2006-07-11 8:29 am
Organise a year long wedding photo competition 4 those who take your service. Get sponsor 4 prizes. Put up poster at shop about your contest & its prizes. All contesting photo must be on display at shop, this will also make your client very proud. I assure u that it will work well after your 1st year. 4 D begining there is always what they call teething problems. Hav a brain storming session with your close ones( friends, family or partners ) .
2006-07-11 5:19 am
wedding magazines, also can.
2006-07-11 4:04 am
Leave flyers or printouts about your service at a Wedding Chapel. Thats how we picked our photog for our wedding. They handed us some brochures when we were setting up our wedding.
2006-07-11 4:02 am
1. Wedding magazines
2. Your local paper's engagements announcement page
3. Craigslist
2006-07-11 4:01 am
Word of mouth from your happy couple customers.

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