Why do some people say that in 10 years Tom Cruise will dump Katie Holmes for Dakota Fanning?

2006-07-10 11:38 am

回答 (8)

2006-07-10 11:50 am
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tom will sure dump katie.. maybe we dont have to wait for 10 years... dakota is a good choice.. but dakota is not dumb... maybe someone her age but stupid will do!
2006-07-10 9:26 pm
Yeah he will and Dakota should turn him down.
2006-07-10 8:33 pm
Say it with me kid:
But I would not be suprised.
He's just weird like that.
2006-07-10 7:39 pm
2006-07-10 6:45 pm
uh, who cares
2006-07-10 6:43 pm
because the difference in age between him and Kate
2006-07-10 6:42 pm
Cuz that is just the way tom cruise is. I pray that Dakota says no.
2006-07-10 6:41 pm
.... Paedophilia?

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