How long does a Sohma stays transfromed after being hugged by the opposite gender?

2006-07-05 8:19 pm

回答 (2)

2006-07-11 1:04 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think it varies..cause sometimes they would just turn back out of nowhere.. MOMIJIIIIIIII <3 >.> *spaz* *cough* ignore my mild fangirlness..
2006-07-10 4:31 pm
By being continuously hugged, maybe?

After Kyo reveals his true form, he returns as a cat in Tohru's arms. He must have stayed as a cat long enough while being hugged by Tohru to get back home!

Heheheh, I want to hug Kyo and Hiro. (Hiro: "Meehhhh", Me: *pats the sheep*)

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