as like Columbian did to Andres Escobar back in 1994 World Cup. Rooney's not my fav football player though i have respect for him as a footballer, after that incident i really dont wanna see someone should get punish to death for mistake[s]
no way Erricson is the guy to blame his srategy was silly from the word go i was frustation that mde rooney do what he did and no one knows what ronaldo actually said that made him so mad
It looks like Christiano Ronaldo is being made a scapegoat so they may vent their spleen on him. Rooney needs to play his cards right though. At present I think the British public are blaming the coaches strategy left him very isolated and frustrated contributing to his lashing out
no way man they call him the golden boy of the England team so why on earth will they punish. him any way Sven Goran Erickson has begged the press saying not to kill (embarrass or insult) Rooney in some way or the other.