Why music is cool?

2006-07-03 12:41 am

回答 (13)

2006-07-10 6:43 pm
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Cause it is
2017-01-25 4:16 pm
Hey, it is important too!!
Music can relax us after a long day of work
2006-07-03 12:53 am
Music is the portable art. Sure people have little portable TVs now, but that isn't showing that art form in all it's glory. Music can be enjoyed in all it's glory on headphones, over speakers at the beach, anywhere, at any time.

It is a form of escapism. It allowes people to forget their troubles for those few minutes in time, while they are entranced in the music. A lot of people even like to dance, and if there was no music then there would be no dancing!

People should always pay for music, instead of stealing or copying it from other people, because it is so hard to be a musician in today's world. Musicians don't make as much money as people in other areas of showbiz. But hopefully with the emergance of myspace and the interent, musicians will find ways to be more compensated for their art so they can concentrate on making more of it, and less on how much money they are losing, by people pirating it.
2006-07-03 1:48 am
i think music is cool cause alot of people like hearing it its very catching to everyone
2006-07-03 1:10 am
its expressive of your mood and how you feel. It can be relaxing or make you want to wax the car. It makes you feel good and you don't have to concentrate to enjoy it. But I'm sure everyone sees differently about a lot of things just my opinion but well put when they said "music calms the savage beast" :-) have a good day
2006-07-03 12:45 am
Music touches a part of the listener and there is an identification with the melody or the lyrics or both
2006-07-03 12:44 am
it is entertaing and it keeps u busy, and u can relate to some music like unfaithful, cater 2 u, and unwritten
2006-07-03 12:44 am
Because you can relate to it in many ways. Music calms me down when I'm upset or pumps me up when I need to be in a good mood. Music can do things for the soul, and you don't even realize it. Music has always been and will always be a part of my life.
2006-07-03 12:44 am
music is cool cause you can sing and dance to it
2006-07-03 12:44 am
the words of the songs own the beating of their hearts

music is for everyone. it's the greatest way of self-expression. and it just plain rocks!!! where would i be without my ipod???!?!

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