
2006-07-02 4:15 pm
While you\'re waiting for the new improved museum let us tell you a little more of what might be in store for this well loved museum. It may well be moving out to Acton Town to the Depot where they will still be providing guided tours.本文擷取自:http://www.mapscape.net/details.cfm?spotID=117請問以本段而言,為什麼不用When而要用While呢? 愈詳細愈好,謝謝。

回答 (3)

2006-07-03 12:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
另外,以While置於最前面之句子,文法上前面While子句正常應以逗號來分隔才好,即While you're waiting for the new improved museum, let us tell you a little more of what might be in store for this well loved museum. 不然While子句就得移到後面,即 Let us tell you a little more of what might be in store for this well loved museum while you're waiting for the new improved museum.

謹供參考 from Naughty and Modest Henry...

2006-07-02 16:32:25 補充:
因為While有“在...同時”的意味,所以習慣上採進行式(動詞+ing),至於現在和過去式用法皆可;而When則採簡單現在或過去式用法即可! 但如果While也意指“當...的時候”或前述提到的各個意思時,當然也可採簡單現在或過去式之用法... 基本上,看說的人想陳述的是甚麼! 會使用While的各位朋友,英文已進到另一層次,恭喜各位...
參考: Myself
2006-07-02 7:35 pm
1))When V(+s) , is/am/are V+ing...
例:When I arrive the airport, they're crying.
2)) is/am/are V+ing when V(+s) ...
例:They're crying when I arrive the airport.
1))When V+ed , was/were V+ing...
例:When I arrived the airport,they were crying.
2))was/were V+ing when V+ed...
例:They were crying when I arrived the airport.
1))While is/am/are V+ing , V(+s)...
例:While they're crying,I arrive the airport.
2)) V(+s) while is/am/are V+ing...
例:I arrive the airport while they're crying.
1))While was/were V+ing , V+ed
例:While they were crying ,I arrived the airport.
2))V+ed while was/were V+ing
例:I arrived the airport while they were crying.
參考: 我的頭腦
2006-07-02 6:16 pm
when 通常是接過去式 while 呢 後面都會+V-ing 習慣用法

2006-07-02 10:26:03 補充:
其實也不能這樣講..因為很多都是要看的 我有去找一下知識+ 我貼給你 你去看一下 會比較詳細^^http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1306052100111
參考: 自己

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