ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh why?

2006-07-01 12:48 pm
i can not find good boy friend. why?
i getting so tired from them. and when getting close to them then i see that is not person who i want.

回答 (26)

2006-07-02 2:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
STOP LOOKING? Yeah.. that's what everybody says.. and there's a reason.. coz it is usually the best thing to do. If you force yourself into a relationship, you go in with blindfolds on. You don't notice all the bad things.. coz you just want it to work out. Three years later, you're married, two kids and hate his guts because he is an absolute pig and you didn't even see it.

So my suggestion.. go out with guys and girls just to go out with them. If you have a tough time meeting people, volunteer at the local animal shelter or something you like doing. You'll meet people with like interests - that's pretty helpful.

Try not to "find" a boyfriend. You CAN find guy friends that you can spend quality time with. It's possible to have such a close relationship that you have everything but the sex. It's rare. But it can happen. If you can't seem to even find that.. go get a gay guy friend. They're supposedly sickened by the idea of sex with a girl.. and they're usually really funny and sweet. A good inbetween before you do bump into mr right.

MY STORY? I said no more long distance.. get off this stinking computer. One day., just for kicks I went on a text based chat called IRC to goof around. A girl messaged me. We clicked right away. There was no stupid ASL questions. We just started talking about life and stuff. We didn't even know each others ages until two weeks later. We talked for at least one to two hours every day. She went to a chat cafe in her country. And I was on my computer at home. Every day we chatted. Two years later, we met for the first time. It was scary., but fun. She's now the love of my life. We're married and have a kid.. okay., it's a puppy. But she's just like having a kid! ;)

THREE: Have three words that best describe you. Have three words that best describe your partner. If they don't match up with your three words from the get go, don't waste time on them unless you really think it's worth it. Lots of people go into a relationship just because. There's a LOT of people out there ! and not much time in life.

My three words of another are appreciation, acceptance, and honesty. I have to have somebody who appreciates the things I do for them, they need to accept everyone for who they are and they must be honest with themselves as well as me. I can always tell in about half an hour of internet conversation if they have most of these qualities. I only found one girl that met my three word 'requirement'. She's now my wife :)

ONE QUESTION: Ask this question of prospective boyfriends: "If you could have any three things right now, what would they be?" You can find out some pretty good info in about two minutes of conversation ;)

Happy hunting - wait.. you're not supposed to be hunting.. Happy 4th then! :)

P.S. GOOD NEWS: You actually know when you have the wrong person.. that's not common. Smart cookie you are!
2006-07-02 4:24 pm
to tell u the truth someone guys have a gf or sumone guys dusnt want a gf... also dont trust them some guy can really treat u bad so its up to u.
but follow ur heart its the good wat it will take u to the right person dont give up
2006-07-01 10:56 pm


2006-07-01 8:36 pm
There is no perfect man or woman, so find someone compatible and stop looking for defects. It may be you are looking too hard for a man and seem desperate.
2006-07-01 8:13 pm
You're looking too hard. Sit bad, close your eyes and ask the goddess for help. If you desperately look, you will mis the man or woman you are looking for. So, let them find you. Be natural, be yourself.

I stopped looking alltogether and found my fiance.
2006-07-01 8:06 pm
Maybe it's God's way of making you cherish the right guy when he comes along..
2006-07-01 8:05 pm
keep trying but if you can hold back enough ,so that you can see clearly also be real say stuff as you think and feel honestly regardless if it may look or feel bad expect that from him and reward it with acceptance of what you really can accept. let them know the real person is what you want and if it is not.what you want its all good not having to fallout or dislike your exes is important if you want to love and trust who you end up with plus the good things about them don't change just because they arnt enough to offset the things you didn't like and real guy friends usually have to be exes in my opinion and are a great asset in finding who you eventually want to be with
參考: me
2006-07-01 8:03 pm
Keep your head up, you'll find someone sooner than you think!
2006-07-01 7:59 pm
Check yourself too . able to accomodate help alot
maybe you are the one that just wrote me last night that is over, please come back i'm good not just the way you think
2006-07-01 7:56 pm
As long as you keep thinking you are the prettiest girl in this universe you will never find any one you can love. Also instead of searching for them just let them come to you. Trust me...you can never find love!
2006-07-01 7:55 pm
Maybe your pretty boyz have gone extinct, so why don't search in the other planets if you have time on your hands... (and a rocket ship too)
2006-07-01 7:55 pm
hey despo!...chill...firstly..think y u want the boyfrend...just to pass your time...or serious relation....
if its just time pass...then no need to think about the person in deep...just enjoy and say buh bieee...
if you want serious...then dont look or search for anyone....because with time you will get your perfect match....
2006-07-01 7:54 pm
i like you but do u like me?

i like you activite but do u like me?
參考: fd
2006-07-01 7:54 pm
Trying looking for a boyfriend at a library rather than the county jail...

Just a suggestion of course.
2006-07-01 7:54 pm
Maybe you are setting your sights too high. You are not going to find a "perfect" person and you have to use a little tolerance.
2006-07-01 7:53 pm
Look for a "best friend" first, someone you can trust with everything and just act normally with. Those make the best boyfriends ^_^ (not least because you get to observe him before really becoming "boyfriend and girlfriend").

Also, your avatar is a little scary O.O
2006-07-01 7:52 pm
if you think negative, you will find negative. i f think positive, u will find positive friend. Forget all the boys, think about your current boy friend only.
2006-07-01 7:52 pm
Good things come to those who are patient and wait. You get impatient and find crappy guys. Let them come to you.
Good Luck.
2006-07-01 7:52 pm
Do not look for them, just be FOUND! When the right guy comes along, you'd know. :)
2006-07-01 7:52 pm
Take what you can get.

Have a BAD boyfriend, they're a lot more exciting.

Have plenty of bedrest with him and you won't be so tired.

Take your contacts out, then when your close to him you won't be able to see that he's not what you want.
2006-07-01 7:51 pm
try to be a lesbian
2006-07-01 7:51 pm
Lower your expectations and settle for a guy that you can tolerate untill you find a real keeper and then dump him for the new guy.
2006-07-01 7:51 pm
Don't worry sooner or later you will find the right person for you.

good luck.
2006-07-01 7:51 pm
Kak is right. Just let them come to you. it will happen
2006-07-01 7:50 pm
You'll find the right one someday. I know because it happened to me. ^.^
2006-07-01 7:50 pm
maybe u are looking in the wrong places???

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