Could five people one 19, one 16, one 15, one 14, and one 12 live in a car?

2006-07-01 12:32 pm
we were planning on living with my two sisters and mines dad for a while then live in our car and get jobs so we can save up for a cheap apartment/home and still beable to go to the same schools. i need advice on this situation, please help.

回答 (9)

2006-07-01 12:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hot swapping beds, sleeping at different times. sleeping outside the car and using the car as a home base / storage locker.

Maybe you can!!
2006-07-01 7:54 pm
Depending on what state you live in, you could get governemnt help in getting back on your feet. Look into governemnt assistence programs, or programs for single parents. Go to your public library or the closest one and do a little reserch. You might get arrested or have your 12 year old taken away if you don't have a home. Look for help first, most states have government programs to help get a job and a home.
2006-07-01 7:43 pm
its pretty possible.if u r in need, u can do anything.thats human's basic instinct.there was a man who lived half of his life in a taxi he earlier drove to earn a livelihood.he was poor and rejected by his he made his taxi his home.
u people are young and energetic.if that old and abandoned man can do it then why not u.and all of u r together.
yes, u can do it.
2006-07-01 7:42 pm
have a tent
2006-07-01 7:39 pm
Depends on what sort of car you mean. If it's a trailer/caravan, then yes, I suppose so.

If it's a van, then it's barely possible... I mean, how are the young'uns going to concentrate on their homework? And besides, it would be very, very uncomfortable.

If it's a sedan, then NO, definitely not.
2006-07-01 7:37 pm
No, have you heard of one news that a person suffocate in a car? The mother lock his son in the car, telling him not to go away while she's away to do something. However, she's not doing what she needs to do, instead she chats with her friend and forgotten her child inside the car. The child finally suffocates and die.
2006-07-01 7:36 pm
there is no possible way that would work. ...get a tent... or go to a church.
2006-07-01 7:36 pm
That's insane but good luck.
2006-07-01 7:35 pm
I would get some sort of livable trailer NOT a car

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