4 me personally, Spanish,Italian, n French are very very sexy, but the asian languages not so much. is this wrong?wat do u think?
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Sex is in your ears and your mind. It is not in those writings you read.
It depends on what you are into. Some people think European langaugaes are appealing which are Spanish, Italian, French etc, some think Indian languages are nice and not to forget the Big African Languages are exotic, it just depends on what you are into. people have their own unique taste.
Take care
It's on how the person speaks that make it sound like sexy. If a spansih or italian is arguing or yelling at one another, do you think it will sound sexy?
Have you heard about Tagalog (Philippine language). Filipinos are soft spoken (not that I am a Filipino). I find it sweet and sexy.
Why would you think of sex with a language you don't understand? You may have too much idle time.
What about Arabic? I personally feel the real beauty lies in it.
it has a lot to do with the environment you were raised in...like just by what you said i would say that in your schooling somewhere they offered English Spanish Italian and french courses....now in no way am i saying they didn't offer anything else...i am also going to have to assume that you probably know English,obviously, and Spanish,just cause its most common where i reside, so languages such as french and Italian are more pleasing to your ear than lets say German or your example of Asian languages...plz let me know if I'm anywhere in the ball park
I like the Russian accent when they're speaking English. Random, but true. :D
only god know the answer, ask Him
no, not wrong Try German, not sexy at all, neither is Swedish and other Norse languages, but a lot of their population is soooo sexy. The way languages sound to you as sexy or not isn't wrong at all, it's an opinion. Everybody has one.
some sound off putting but italian opra singers sound good a soft irish lady can sound sexy or french girl sounds good to but chinese sounds confusing
Haha, Im asian. I can sing you a song in my mother tongue. Im sure you would melt. lol ookok, may be not. haha
Or may be you might wanna listen to his songs. His name is " Rain ".. He's Koean.
Everyone has a different opinion about which languages are "sexy" and which aren't (I'm assuming you mean "attractive" by "sexy").
For me, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean are the "sexiest" languages in the world ^_^ Zhongwen wansui!! Nihongo banzai!! Long live Asian languages!!
And personally, I don't think French or Spanish or Italian are sexy at all... if anything, they make me think of fat women and drunken men cursing each other out... "merde!"... "va te faire ch...r!!" (now will you please excuse me).