Japan or china?

2006-06-26 1:02 am
Japan or China or USA ??? (Why?)

回答 (8)

2006-07-01 12:51 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Okay, first, are you going there for travel or a life?

Both China AND Japan!!

In China, you can get all of the best for a cheap-ish price, indulge yourself on fake luxury items, and gorge yourself with wonderful food. And then, there are all the magnificent historical monuments set in contrast to fast-paced modernity.

In Japan, you can get an unbeatable experience, indulge yourself on real luxury items, and gorge yourself with wonderful food too... but for an exorbitant price. And then, there is magnificent natural scenery and rich culture (actually authentic and not tourist-oriented like in China).

The US has no culture to speak of, and is the most boring developed nation on earth. It has a bit of everything, but the best of nothing.

To Live:
Ah, maybe the US, in this case. It might be a little easier to get a job there, and life is a bit steadier (and more boring).

China, it depends on where you go. Places such as Shanghai and Hangzhou aren't too bad. Foreigners in China make money pretty easily and don't need to spend too much of it (because the cost of living is so low). Get used to poor manners and other shocks, though. The government isn't as intrusive as it used to be, but if you're there to do business, a few little bribes might be necessary (just be careful you aren't caught doing that by *another* department of the government).

Japan would probably be a roller-coaster for any unprepared foreigner. Besides, they're pretty xenophobic.
2016-04-14 3:27 pm
China for sure
2015-07-01 11:25 am
usa,beacuse it is very strong in all aspects
2015-04-28 4:09 am
What do you focus on? I prefer China,
2006-06-27 8:42 pm
usa, where you can be yourself for less money
2006-06-26 1:14 am
USA because they speak English.
2006-06-26 1:13 am
hmmm i quess it depends on why or what you are looking for
2006-06-26 1:06 am
if you are going to travel there be prepared for high cost in Japan and the food not so hot in China.

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