whats the expression for handling your stress?

2006-06-25 3:25 pm
so when you are very stressed or something bad/sad/annoying
happend to you, you do something to make yourself fee better/ get over it/ forget it for example, go drinking or taking a spa
what do you call this thing?

回答 (8)

2006-06-25 3:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Remedy, refreshment, caretaker...
2006-07-02 11:32 am
Get yourself together
2006-06-26 10:10 am
Song yi kou qi, Qing song yi xia!

That's what I say.
(Hey, you asked me what *I* call this type of thing ^_~!)

But anyway, I guess it's "letting off steam" in English.
2006-06-25 10:31 pm
chillin' out
2006-06-25 10:30 pm

Or substitution, you are replacing the bad feeling with a good feeling.
2006-06-25 10:30 pm
coping mechanism- maybe

stress reliever
2006-06-25 10:29 pm
2006-06-25 10:28 pm
stress release, blowing off steam,,,Catharsis,,,
yes im prety sure its catharsis.

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