There is a hole the size of a pop can top beside my porch what could be making this?

2006-06-25 1:23 pm
I have flowers planted on both sides...well the one side is doing so great but the other isn't and that is where that hole is. I am thinking it is a rat but not sure. My flowers on that side are not growing good like on the other side...If it is a Rat could it be doing something to my flowers? Do you think it could be a rat or something else?

What do i do to get rid of whatever it is? I had stuck rocks down in that hole but it dug it's way back out again (another hole)...

Help!!!! what is it?

回答 (13)

2006-06-25 1:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sounds like a rat as they have the sharp teeth needed to eat through wood. But it could be another of many types of rodents. I have seen squirrels as well as mice with this same type of behaviour. I would set a rat trap just outside the hole with some tasty treat on the end. If you don't have pets you could also try some poison. I had a few squirrels eat a hole in the post of my front porch. They had made a nest in my attic. Very annoying but when we sealed the hole. They had been left inside. Very disgusting as it took us well over a week to find the stench when they couldn't get back out. They (the rodent(s)) could very well have a small nest under your flowers in the ground. Alot of rodents burrow but usually seek the higher ground to ward off snakes. And if they are burrowing under the root system of your plants it could certainly cause a shock to your budding flowers. Try either digging up the plants and completely replanting the bed (careful the rodents will make a break for it if they are home). And patch the hole with plaster of paris or bondo. If you take it's home completely it will be less eager to return. As if it sees the entrance it will most likely feel in the right to break down the blockade or simply create a new one. I really hope this helps as I hate little rodents. They love to eat bulbs and any fruit that they can sink thier teeth into. Good luck and Happy gardening.
2006-06-25 10:55 pm
I don't think that a rat would effect you flowers except maybe eat them. Are you sure you don't have a small sink hole? My suggestion is to get the hose and see if you can flush it out, then being carefull if you have children or pets, apply posion down into the hole. I have to tell you you have a mistery.
2006-06-25 10:52 pm
I have these too, and it's chipmunks. The holes are mostly near my birdfeeders and I see them running back to their holes when I come outside. I hear using human hair works, save some from your next trim and sprinkle it in the holes.

Good luck!
2006-06-25 9:25 pm
Could be a mole, chipmunk or rat. Drop some rat bait near the hole. Watch to see if it gets eaten. Or put a little trap out with some food in it if you want to know what it is.
2006-06-25 9:04 pm
Be careful, I had a snake once!!!
2006-06-25 8:46 pm
Probably a mole. Moles are after grubs, treat your lawn for grubs. When the grubs are gone the moles will go too. Good Luck!
2006-06-25 8:34 pm
Yep, set a trap, catch the poor little thing, give it a good bath, get it some shots, and raise it as your pet :)
2006-06-25 8:28 pm
Well sound like to me it could be a mole,or a small mouse,just try to set out a trap for it,many places will give you advise on this in your local flower shop or even a hardwarestore might have the advise you seek.
2006-06-25 8:28 pm
It's probably a gopher, I doubt it's a rat. And yes he will eat your plants. You can get gopher traps at pretty much any lawn and garden store.
2006-06-25 8:27 pm
Could be a ground mole. They eat plant roots and bulbs. They also feed on bug larvae so go to your garden center for proper treatment.
2006-06-25 8:27 pm
could be a rat or a gopher. either try to trap it or find some pesticide to deal with it.
2006-06-25 8:27 pm
2006-06-25 8:27 pm
Could be a mole or a gopher. Check out your local hardware and gardening center for things to help.

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