what colour is the universe?

2006-06-25 1:20 pm

回答 (25)

2006-06-25 1:28 pm
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Sorry to disappoint everyone, but its beige. National Geographic did an article a while back.
2006-06-27 3:03 pm
essentially dark i.e. pitch black except in regions close to stars
2006-06-26 2:58 pm
2006-06-25 4:45 pm
colorless (no color) the only reason it is 'black' is b/c there is no light around
2006-06-25 2:21 pm
The universe itself is "made" of space-time, which has no colour. It contain matter and energy which as you may observe have many colours.
2006-06-25 1:55 pm
2006-06-25 1:36 pm
Black !
2006-06-25 1:28 pm
Multy colour
2006-06-25 1:27 pm
Since colour only exists as the interpretation of the light which enters and is sensed by the eye, and the universe is mostly empty space which neither emits nor reflects light, the vast majority of the the universe can be said to be black, since this colour is the interpretation of the absence of light.
2006-06-25 1:26 pm
universe made by different color of different gas but place has not gas it is black just dark.
2006-06-25 1:26 pm
To really say universe has no colour such as VIBGYOR.
itsthe radiating stars, galaxies produce colour.
example sun produces the colours we see now.
2006-06-25 1:26 pm
white is the universe, all colour you see is came from white,
if you want a proof, just draw 7 colour in a plastic plate and role it, you'll see white actually make 7 colours become one
2006-06-25 1:26 pm
Black is what we see since most of the universe has no light. Imagine if we could see all the radiation, cosmic rays, radio signals, etc. There would be a sight to behold.
2006-06-25 1:25 pm
multi color
2006-06-25 1:25 pm
Black, because most of it is so-called "dark matter".
2006-06-25 1:25 pm
Majority of it is black/ black matter... but the thing is color it depends on what is in that space of the universe certain particles or atoms give off certain type of light so it depends what kinda elements are present at the particular space.

EDIT: there has to be a source of light
2006-06-25 1:24 pm
it's tye dyed dude.. and its beautiful man.
2006-06-25 1:24 pm
Mostly black.
2006-06-25 1:24 pm
2006-06-25 1:24 pm
must be white - because white is the sum of all colours
2006-06-25 1:24 pm
Total Darkness...Extermely Dark!
2006-06-25 1:23 pm
2006-06-25 1:23 pm
2006-06-25 1:23 pm
Black !
2006-06-25 1:22 pm

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