do you think that Sarcasm is Anger's ugly cousin?

2006-06-25 8:00 am
Do you think that Sarcasm is great or do you think that it pisses people off and hence, creates ANGER??

回答 (14)

2006-06-25 8:23 am
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No. Sarcasm is a cynic's alter-ego. They are still related, but in an intangible way. Deep thinkers and men of wisdom have hypothesized that anger's roots are in the individuals psyche, therefore, if an individual becomes pissed off or angry, it is because of their thought process and inability to control thoughts, hence, affecting their emotions. There is no external force
2006-06-25 8:04 am
Sarcasm is Anger's snide, passive-aggressive cousin, the one who wears sandals with socks.
2006-06-25 8:09 am
Sarcasm is a coward's way of expressing anger, or resentment; frankly it's abusive if directed at an individual; people who are sarcastic are insecure, and generally have an overinflated sense of self and are extremely judgemental.

These people obviously do not have the capacity to take there own inventory and will happily display their own superiority to anyone who will listen through sarcasm.

They are angry at people, the world, there lot in life; they would never admit it, but they believe they are victims and their anger bubbles out through sarcasm all the time.

Another trait is that these people tend to be very controlling, and verbally and emotionally abusive.

These people tend want to believe they are perfect, but the truth is that underneath because of their own judgemental attitude; they can't bear for others to get to close to them because they might find out what they already know but won't even admit to themselves, and that is that they are extremely flawed or lacking themselves and hate themselves for it.

The hate they have which is revealed in sarcasm is has it's roots in their own self-loathing.


As for creating anger, no. If others are easily offended, or are sensitive and get angry because of the sarcasm, it is their choice to be angry. Nobody can make us feel anything, we choose our responses. Now some of those responses are conditioned by years of responding the same way, but they are a choice just the same.

Say the offended person has read my 'answer' and now knows the reason for sarcasm from the other person is rooted in self-loathing. The person's new response with this awareness could be to feel sorry for the person, rather than get angry; or they could simply refuse to give that sarcastic person that much authority over them; giving people authority over us and our emotions is a choice too.

Remember, the first time we a victim of sarcasm, every subsequent time we are a volunteer; we do have a choice to simply walk away, or not associate with a person who attempts to abuse us.
2006-06-25 8:04 am
Interesting. I see sarcasm create both anger and laughter. I would say that anger is the "uglier" of the two.
2006-06-25 8:20 am
very much so. when you are angry you automattically go to the sarcasm ploy. its ugly and hateful.
2006-06-25 8:07 am
Honestly I am very sarcastic and most people love that about me. And chicks love it especially. Sarcasm is funny.
2014-07-25 2:11 am
Sarcasm is anger's funny uncle. At least it is when I use it. I don't use it to hurt people....unless they deserve it.
2006-06-25 8:10 am
It is doomed to be incomplete without knowing the context of sarcasm. It depends on whether the listener is humble and cool-minded to 'read' the message behind such critical comments, which may not be factually correct but reflect other's perception.
2006-06-25 8:06 am
depends on the reciever s ability to read sarcasm or not, if they can it will be recieved as humour,. if not well,,, its on! then i guess!
2006-06-25 8:03 am
Hatred is the ugly cousin, sarcasm is like the nephew.

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